zoas not opening up

I had the same problem they never opened up and at the time i had a 29 gal setup with t5 lighting and i put them in there and they opened up the next day and stayed opened they looked great then i got some purigen for my big tank cause i was having nitrate problems. no i have them in the big tank with the purigen and they are still doing great


Stop moving it around and give it a few days. Sometimes mine will close up and then reopen. They can close up for like a month and then open back up. The thing to watch for when they close is are the stalks getting skinny??? and if you see them spewing brown stuff out then they are goners. If you see any of those move them to high flow as they like high flow.


They can be quite finicky,sometimes taking several weeks to open,even then they may open up one polyp at a time over a period of weeks. Look at them at night with a flashlight and see if the polyps look solid of if they are degrading. Dont keep moving them around,you have them low give them good flow and wait is really all you can do. Dont give up and throw them out no matter what. If you see polyps start melting you may want to clean them off but I have had zoas come back from having only two or three polyps left.