Zoa's not opening

Hey all,
I got some green zoos last week. They seem to open a little when the light is pn, but only a few of them and they don't open fully....maybe halfway. I checked my levels. Everything appears to be ok. SG is at 1.025. Temp is at 77. Tested the water and everything looks good. My pH was a little low. It was at 7.5. Any suggestions?


Active Member
Your pH is more than a little low. I'm pretty sure your zoas will open once you get the pH to acceptable levels.
Originally Posted by SpiderWoman
Your pH is more than a little low. I'm pretty sure your zoas will open once you get the pH to acceptable levels.
you know, I was told that your pH should be 8.2. Should it be higher if you have soft corals?


Active Member
I'm not sure about if the pH *should* be higher. I believe anywhere between 8.2-8.4 is OK. Mine is always a bit on the higher side, daily average 8.4-8.44.


Active Member
You should maybe check your calcium/alk levels. Low could cause your ph to be so low and also cause new corals a difficult time to adjust. Also you should look them over very carefully since they are new and make sure there are no sundial snails, nudis or spiders on them. You might also try holding them up to a powerhead and give them a good cleaning, let the high flow blow on them for a minute and also might add some iodine per directions, but only after you find out what calcium/alk levels are at, get the ph back up, probably due to low levels and check the zoas over for irritants. Luck
Originally Posted by Flricordia
You should maybe check your calcium/alk levels. Low could cause your ph to be so low and also cause new corals a difficult time to adjust.
Hmm... I don't have a test kit for that. I only had a kit for for testing saltwater. I'll go pick one up tonight. Thanks!