Zoas Not Opening.


Long story short, two Zoa frags got lost on their way to me, took four days for them to be found. 20 polyps each or so of Bambams and Eagle Eyes. They've been in my tank since Friday. The bambams barely peek out, the Eagle Eyes haven't opened at all. They came double bagged in water, and insulated. The frags look alive, but I am worried. How long can these things stay closed?


Well-Known Member
They can stay closed for a very long time. If they start melting away, then they are doomed. Maybe do a water change to get your parameters back in order.
Good luck!


Active Member
I had several Zoa rocks close up and stayed that way for weeks!!!! i thought they were dead , checked the water...fine , temp....fine
Finally they opened up and are all fine
Sorry the only answer I have is.....wait , it can take a long time. Good luck


Originally Posted by nwdyr
I had several Zoa rocks close up and stayed that way for weeks!!!! i thought they were dead , checked the water...fine , temp....fine
Finally they opened up and are all fine
Sorry the only answer I have is.....wait , it can take a long time. Good luck

Thats what I am also hoping. Water changes are weekly, just yesterday in fact.
Nitrates 0
Cal 400
Mag 1400
KH 10 Dkh
Temp 79
They don't appear to melted, they still have individual bodies, I guess its time to wait.


New Member
Mine are the same way. I dont know what else to do but wait. My water is fine all parameters are on par. All I can think is the lights may be too bright.


Active Member
Try dipping them in some Kent's Iodine and placing them in med flow. As long as the stalks are not getting a film on them they have a good chance.


Active Member
look up furan 2, mix it up in half a cup and dip more or less, worx wonders on zoos imo... if they don't open w/ furan after a day they never make it in my experience, but w/ it they open by the next day, its great stuff