Zoas stopped opening


I have a 29gal tank with 130w pc.
I had/have 2 nice zoa colonies and a couple of frags.
All of a sudden my big colony only maybe 1/2 are opening. The other medium colony along with the 2 frags are not open at all.
One actually looks like it closed off the top and swelled up.
Paramaters are as follows:
PH = 8.2
Salinity = 1.24
Nitrate = 20
Nitrite = 0
Temp = 78
Calcium = 440
any thoughts?
For some reason I just don't sem to have good luck with zoas


Active Member
I don't think that's the reason. Even in reef tanks, zero is the normal, still "safe" reading. Did you check for preditors? Are you wanting to try to dip them?


Can you post a pic?
Are the closed zoos dark brown on top?
If you remove the zoos from the tank and take a q-tip and rub it gently on the zoos, does anything come off?


I've never tried a dip ?

I will try to get a pic.
The one frag of zoas that was closed and all swelled up appears to be opening a little. My largest colony now only has a few open


Oops. Sorry I forgot to mention I don't believe it to be predators.
Although I noticed some very small looking snail ( I think) I removed about 3 so far.
They are not snails I added to my tank.
The rest of my coralsd are fine.
Mushrooms,Blue Xenia,Acan,Favia,Lobo,Brain ,Fox Coral and a Toadstool that was just added and the zoas were starting to close before the last addition


Active Member


Thanks nissan577
It does not look like anything listed.
Oh I forgot,I also have a few very small white colored starfish too,that were hitchickers


I brought some of the snails to my LFS and he stated they were pyramid snails,although the link states they ride on other snails and suck the blood out of their host. This is not what I am experiencing.The picture on the link is not all that good,but it also does not look like what I pulled out.
I will try to get a better look,but I think what I removed (best description) is Collonista Snails ?
Thanks for the link