Zoas, Zoas, and Zoas!!


here are some pics of my zoas..just getting back into these so i don't have anything that great..but turning my 90 into a zoa and blasto tank



the cammera i use is a Nikon E8800..i will be fragging some and sell some i am sure...just going to let everything grow out some


Active Member
Is there a name for the ones in the fourth picture. WOW those are beautiful. they all are.


Active Member
Great collection... Do you know what those blue zoas are called in your first post? They're royal blue and look amazing!


thanks for the comments..TeresaQ the ones in the 4th pic i don't think have a name they are some caribbean zoas is all i know and i have had really bad luck with caribbeans..they seem to melt away..i got these in really high light and flow this is a pic of how they look now

GRabbitt..those blues with the ric are also some caribbean blues..i am down to 2 polyps of them after alot of dips they too are in high flow and light..i hoped i saved them because they are some of the best blue color i have ever seen in blue zoas..so got my fingers crossed on them