Zoo fragging

Can anyone help me out with this? I want to attempt to frag my zoos. I probably have over 100 polyps. Do I cut the zoos one polyp at a time and glue it to a rock?
Also, If I were to make cement disks will I have to wait for them to cure before using them? If so, how should I cure them?


Active Member
there is a fragging section on this site u can probably find a video from reefkprz or someone else on how to frag it, but what ive read is that when u take them out u just cut the mat with however many polyps you want that is on the rock, then peel that mat from the rock and put glue on the mat after drying it and stick it on your plug


Its easiest to use a utility knife and kind of pull them back off the original rock and then cut that whole section off. Zoos grow in a mat so they usually peel back pretty easy.Remember always wear gloves and something over your eyes when fragging zoos. Not all of them will hurt you but they are toxic, so just use precaution. And don't worry, you can hack away at them. They may not open up for a couple hours but I have yet to kill any by fragging them.