ZOO Med Power Sweeper

fish head

Now that we are onto pumps that suck. Has anyone else bought a Zoo Med Power sweep pump? Great idea; too bad it stops working after only a few days from opening the box. I called Zoo Med CS, who said they have not had any complaints about the sweeper not sweeping & it is salt water OK. I konw of one other person who experienced the same results.


my roomate has one that doesn't sweep anymore, and i had one for about a week and took it back cause it stopped once and was just a weak p.o.s. i got maxi-jets now and luv em! =) i like the idea of powersweeps but the design sux. imo


I have a small one in my reef tank...it worked great for about a week, then the arm stopped moving. I removed it from the tank, cleaned it under fast moving water, and it started swinging again. This time it only took 2 days to quit! I gave up on the swinging, its now just a straight powerhead.
Same for me too fellas...
LFS brought it to my attention.. and I thought.. hmm. Great Idea! Which it really is a good idea..
Too bad its a bad product..
Took 1 week.. Doesnt sweep anymore!


i Just bought one but I havent taken the time to install it yet
doesnt sound like I should be too excited.
Was anyone able to get their money back?
i bought one also. It swept but didnt have near the power I was hoping it would. Im gonna stick it in my mixing tank to prepare my water for water changes. Ive heard you have to be sure to run the pre-filter on it or it stops in a hurry.


i must have got a better one. i have had mine running for almost a year now, and u=it still works great. clean it once every two months


I agree, you have to clean them very often. I've been using my 228 for about 5 months. It stops after a couple of weeks so I just remove the bottom and clean all the inner workings and it will be fine again for a couple of weeks. Its too bad they dont continue to work, because the idea and design are great.


got 2 of them,good idea but high maintainence-got to clean them every 2 weeks or they slow down or stop even with the prefilter.


Active Member
I was going to get some but it sounds like to much hasstle to have to clean it. Great idea though maybe they will get enough complaints and re design it.


New Member
I guess I can be disappointed when the 3 pumps, me and my friends ordered come in. Oh well! :(