Originally Posted by My Way
I will be the lone person to defend these PH's, I have never had a calcium build up on mine and don't undersatand how it happens if they are submerged, if it is submerged the calcium would stay in suspension in the water. Calcium does'nt build up on submersible pumps or other PH's. Yes the mechanism for the sweeping action is kind of weak and can jam somewhat easily, If you run them with the supplied foam sleeve, it greatly reduces maintenance. I have 2 of then running for almost 2 yrs. If it jams, don't beat on it to get it to work again there are small pins on the gears that will break easily. (There is not enough force from it running to break them as many people claim.) To clean it, pop the bottom off, clean the gears and the nozzle with a toothbrush and you are good to go. I can clean mine in about a minute. If you don't use it to create bubbles, which you should 'nt, plug the hole for the airline with something as it sucks stuff into the sweeping mechanism.
couldnt disagree more , but thats what these boards are for .... everybodies thoughts ... although there wouldnt be calcium build up you can still count on coraline encrusting over the sweeper. or the occasional free floating sand. and even salt build up..... but as stated before it is a easy fix ... but also a pain in the behind to have to pull 2 or 3 power heads out of your tank and clean weekly. IMO get a tunze ...