zoo question / help

i got a zoo frag a week ago and im confused what going on with it looking for some pointers.the 1st 2 days i had it, all the polpys were all the way open. then on the third day 6 or the 10 were open .then the 4th they were all closed.they have been all closed for last couple days .i tried a fresh water dip that didnt help.my parameters are alll good .my lighting is the stock 29 gallon biocube pcs so they should be enough light. i have them placed towards the bottom of the tank on a rock.for flow i have the stock return pump and a korilla 1 powerhead.hw do i know if there dying?do i need to move them into more flow?thanks any help is apprecioated


Originally Posted by techshredder
i got a zoo frag a week ago and im confused what going on with it looking for some pointers.the 1st 2 days i had it, all the polpys were all the way open. then on the third day 6 or the 10 were open .then the 4th they were all closed.they have been all closed for last couple days .i tried a fresh water dip that didnt help.my parameters are alll good .my lighting is the stock 29 gallon biocube pcs so they should be enough light. i have them placed towards the bottom of the tank on a rock.for flow i have the stock return pump and a korilla 1 powerhead.hw do i know if there dying?do i need to move them into more flow?thanks any help is apprecioated
first off i would leave it alone! zoas like a little current but not alot!
how long of a freshwater dip did you do?
i only dipped it for not even a minute .to make sure it didnt have any parasites on it .i have been leaveing it alone for at least 4 days still nothing i thought zoas were easy hahaa.its not in a a strong current its underneath the flow really.its only getting alittle bit of current.how long can they live if they dont open ?

florida joe

Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by techshredder
whats the ioidine solution supposed to do flordia joe?
While iodine is essential in our reef tanks an iodine dip (I personally use Povidone-10% Topical Antiseptic Solution) something more cost efficient then Lugols solution a dip in water with iodine in the color of weak tea is toxic to pathogens they latterly leave the coral in an attempt to find iodine free water


Active Member
Originally Posted by mantisman51
A freshwater dip for coral? Hmm, I'm gonna have to read up on that subject.
I can tell you that this works on zoas, if it wasn't for someone suggesting a freshwater dip on this site, I would of had issues. I recently purchased some zoas, decided to dip them (just to see) and wouldnt ya know it, a zoa eating snail fell right off of them!!! Couldn't believe it!! And they are thriving. It takes awhile to find just the right spot for them though(right flow and light).
to be honest i havent moved them around much i figured they were mad for me fresh water dipping them haha.im pretty sure there not dead but i have nt seen any of the heads try to open in like 4 days so i dunno....they arent in alot of flow but if i move them up higher theyll be in a higher flow area.where did u place them ?thanks for the advice flordia joe
the first 2 days they were fully opened. now they haven't opened in 4 days. and i have no idea what that brown stuff is between the polyps


Can you clean the stuff off? They don't look dead...just closed....I have had dead ones...they kinda just disappear....

shrimpy brains

What are your water parameters?? Ammonia, nitrites, nitrates, salinity,ph, and temp??


Originally Posted by techshredder
here's a picture....does it look dead?
Honey.... I've roled mine in super glue and most of them survived. I even have one that broke the superglue just enough to make a feeble attempt at opening. They seem to be pretty tough to me. Just leave em alone and see. I find that every time I start to panick it turns out everything is fine. My gsp went from being beautiful to closed up for a week and a half. Then one day they opened back up bigger and better. You just never know. IMO


Active Member
High Calcium levels will make soft corals, close up. have you added any calcium.
When was your last WC, how much?
I bought Zoos last Tuesday and mine open up everyday and already today I noticed 2 new ones. This is even while i started fighting a Ich outbreak 3 days ago. Which is another story.
its nighttime here and my lights are off they closed up.
I Dosed Calcium Over A Couple Days To Get It Up To 450 Ppm.my Calcium Levels Were Low....that Will Really Make Them Close?THANKS MELY MINE HAVE HOPE THEN AT LEAST I DIDN T ROLE THEM IN SUPER GLUE!


Originally Posted by techshredder
I Dosed Calcium Over A Couple Days To Get It Up To 450 Ppm.my Calcium Levels Were Low....that Will Really Make Them Close?THANKS MELY MINE HAVE HOPE THEN AT LEAST I DIDN T ROLE THEM IN SUPER GLUE!
that's the spirit! and hey..... it was an accident! that stuff is sticky! lol


Active Member
Originally Posted by techshredder
I Dosed Calcium Over A Couple Days To Get It Up To 450 Ppm.my Calcium Levels Were Low....that Will Really Make Them Close?THANKS MELY MINE HAVE HOPE THEN AT LEAST I DIDN T ROLE THEM IN SUPER GLUE!
Yes it will. I suggest at 20% water change and they will probably open up.
I use to use purple up a lot. Now I just do water changes to keep everything balanced. 5 gallons a week on an 80.