Zoo question

angler man

I just recieved a zoo pack today and I wanted to know what color zoo's change when they die? All the Zoo's looked awesome except a single polyp who came off his rock. He's currently a deep brownish/greenish color(don't ask what kind it was as it will only make you cry).


angler man

Originally Posted by nycbob
zoos r very tough. when zoos die, they simply melt away.
Hmmm, well he looks terrible but he hasn't melted away, yet. Maybe there's still hope.


Active Member
smell it. if it smells like death, then its probably dead. dead stuff usually smells pretty bad.


Active Member
every zoanthid I have watched die (from shipping) lost color fading to white, kind of swelled and looked fuzzy then the tissue kind of melts away, if it has color in it its a good sign (it can take a couple days for them to lose all their color) it may have just been lightly glued.


New Member
Originally Posted by nycbob
zoos r very tough. when zoos die, they simply melt away.
Sorry to jump in on this, But I have no luck with zoos.
Every time I get a frag in or a good sized rock with them, They will look great for about a week then just start melting away. I have other coral they are all doing fine. Any thoughts on this?
All my levels are fine except my cal was @360. The lighting is 250 MH x2 and (4) 65w pc actinic only using 2 not running all four on a 90 gallon tank.

angler man

Originally Posted by dburd708
Sorry to jump in on this, But I have no luck with zoos.
Every time I get a frag in or a good sized rock with them, They will look great for about a week then just start melting away. I have other coral they are all doing fine. Any thoughts on this?
All my levels are fine except my cal was @360. The lighting is 250 MH x2 and (4) 65w pc actinic only using 2 not running all four on a 90 gallon tank.

How much flow does your tank have?


New Member
Originally Posted by Angler man
How much flow does your tank have?
I have two power sweep power heads that are rated for 270gph, one one each side of the tank about half way down. Do you think I may need more flow? I was hoping to get more powerfull ph after the holiday if Santa is good to me

angler man

Originally Posted by dburd708
I have two power sweep power heads that are rated for 270gph, one one each side of the tank about half way down. Do you think I may need more flow? I was hoping to get more powerfull ph after the holiday if Santa is good to me

Well, I can't tell you that you need more flow or not, but I asked the question because a lot of softies seem to dislike heavy direct flow. You really need to find out why you are having trouble with Zoo's of all things!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Angler man
Nuclear Green

Ouch. If I were you, try to let it attach to a piece of rubble and put it near the other colony. Low flow area + rubble LR + time is the key.


New Member
Originally Posted by Angler man
Well, I can't tell you that you need more flow or not, but I asked the question because a lot of softies seem to dislike heavy direct flow. You really need to find out why you are having trouble with Zoo's of all things!
I guess I will retest all my levels do a major water change and hope for the best.
As for my flow a have good flow from med to upper tank, the lower as very low flow. I may need to redirect some flow. It is a new tank only a few months old, all my rock, coral, and fish are from my old tank. Maybe having a small tank crash.
If anyone has any ideas please pass them on. Thank you for any help.

angler man

Originally Posted by reefkprZ
any updates on your zoas? are they still colored? still closed? fading to white and rotting?
I took the NG and put him on the piece of rubble he came with and glued him back. I then placed him in a low flow area. His color looks to be the same, though he really looks unresponsive. He's flat, like the rock must have crushed him. He simply looks like a flattened mushroom. I still have a little hope due to his color, but I guess time can only tell.

Any suggestions on the lighting he should be under as far as rehabilitation? Shaded area? Very low light?
Also, is it normal for zoo's to close at night? Most of the colonies I recieved opened up within a couple of hours, but most seemed to close up at night.


Every now and again I have trouble getting zoos to stick when I glue them. when I find them in the tank I put them in my zoo gluing container. it's a clear plastic container with tool over the top to keep the heads from blowing out. I put broken shell and little pieces in the bottom and let them set on the frag rack and self glue. then I take out the little piece and glue it to a rock or frag plug. it works for me. I concour Low flow and time, they will re attatch. I have my frags under high flow and my zoos do great. Mine love the high flow area. My zoos close at night and stay closed until morning.

angler man

Originally Posted by donald
Every now and again I have trouble getting zoos to stick when I glue them. when I find them in the tank I put them in my zoo gluing container. it's a clear plastic container with tool over the top to keep the heads from blowing out. I put broken shell and little pieces in the bottom and let them set on the frag rack and self glue. then I take out the little piece and glue it to a rock or frag plug. it works for me. I concour Low flow and time, they will re attatch. I have my frags under high flow and my zoos do great. Mine love the high flow area. My zoos close at night and stay closed until morning.
Thanks for the advise, and I'm glad to see that my zoo's are simply exhibiting normal behavior.


I had the same thing going on with one of my zoo colonies a few months back. I thought that the head was dying as the color was no where near the rest and it was almost flat when it opened. Although it was still opening and closing and not melting away. This odd ball zoo is now a good 6 polyps strong with a strange green and black speckling color. I'll try and grab a pic of it later on.