Zoo Question


So for the night I will be away from my home, in the city I am currently in they have this excellent coral fish store with TONS of awesome zoos while my LFS has pretty poor coral choices. The problem is I wont be able to be back at my tank until tomorrow morning. I just want to pick up one frag to start my coral adventure, will they survive or is it best to wait until another time?


Originally Posted by SWFein
So for the night I will be away from my home, in the city I am currently in they have this excellent coral fish store with TONS of awesome zoos while my LFS has pretty poor coral choices. The problem is I wont be able to be back at my tank until tomorrow morning. I just want to pick up one frag to start my coral adventure, will they survive or is it best to wait until another time?
as long as the bag stays at a constant temperature and does not get to hot or cold they should be fine... zoanthinds are pretty hardy


Cool thanks guys, also should I just put them on the sand when I get home. Where should they go?


Active Member
Originally Posted by SWFein
Cool thanks guys, also should I just put them on the sand when I get home. Where should they go?
starting low and in med flow is a good choice. also take note of the conditions they are in at the store and try to replicate that when placing in your tank. if they are in high light placment can go where you want. if in low light make sure to start them low to help acclimate to your higher lighting.


I have it under a pretty strong desk lamp right now where it will sit until I take it back to my house tomorrow morning, is it benificial to keep it under this lamp for a few hours or not?


Active Member
no not really. Zoos can be shipped two day mail, so they are fine just in thier bag. You should have had them stick the bag in a styro box so they keep a constant temp


Active Member
no need for the lamp. you will be just fine till you get home. i pic up stuff from the airport all the time and it will sit for hours with me in my office sitting in a 0regular old box and bag. whatever you do to that thing will be NOTHING compared to what it went through to get to you. corals can take quite a bit more then most would think