jon: I got them from a brand new store in Canada(where I live). I don't know if they have the proper permits to ship into the US but they may.
If you'de still like the site to inquire yourself, let me know and I'll drop you an email with it.
Ya gotta love them sweet colors!!!!!
Great pics...I have a few developing colonies...but not anything that sweet!!!
Sign me up for available frags of each ...
Hey NM Reef, or DVS, or anybody for that matter. What are some good sources for some colorful zoo frags. I've really been looking and haven't found that many. I would love some e-mail at Thanks guys.
I'm sorry, those colors got me so excited I forgot to comment. Greta Frags. Looks like a road trip is in order. I wonder what the border guards would say. THey ask for fruits and vegetables and firearms, I don't think that includes coral frags.
Very nice zoanthid 5 pack! I really like #1
I hope you don't mind but I played around with your image in adobe and edited the color, as it noticed there was a greenish tint in the picture. Is this the true coloration?