Zooanthid problems


New Member
I received a couple of small rocks full of button polyps about two months ago. They have slowly degraded to the point of not opening up. They have also lost almost all of their color. The water parameters are perfect (SG 1.026, Am 0, Nitrates 0, Nitrites 0). My temperature does fluctuate between 80 and 82. I have them under 270 watts of T-5 lighting. They are located on the bottom and receive full light and moderate flow.
My questions:
1. Why are they doing so bad?
2. If they recover, will they regain their color?
Another strange thing is that one of the small rocks containing polyps is actively sprouting new polyps. I am at a loss. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


New Member
I forgot to add that they are in a 55 gallon. Also, I have a colony of orange zoos in the tank that are doing great.


Active Member
After the fresh water dip, put them in some of your tank water and ad alittle about a capful, of SW iodine for about 5 mins.

my way

Active Member
Yes they can stay closed for quite some time and recover, the color they become is what color your lighting allows them to be. If you buy ones that were kept under different lighting than your, they're colors will morph to adjust to your lighting.
Have you tried moving them to other parts of the tank? I have some that love the bottom of my tank and some that need to be at the top. If you move them Give them a few days to a week to see if it helps, if you don't give them time to adapt to the new area, you won't know if they like it there. This is assuming It's not a predator or disease problem.


Active Member
I had some up near the top of my 65 tall with 312 watts T5's .They didnt like it much there and had to move them to the bottom, there doing great there. They statred to shrivel at the top and I lost some. Some others are in the middle and like it there.