Zooanthids oooo! ahhhhh!


Active Member
Hey J, if you ever want to .....ya know make some room for some more;) Remember I am just down the interstate!


Active Member
kickster you have just VHO ? ever since i went to MH, my zoos have slowly lost thier bright colors.. (as seen in the photo forum)


Active Member
Drop me a line at skschneider@adelphia.net. I have some orange zoos like picture #1. I am trying to get them to grow onto another rock so that I can make a frag. I do not know how to frag zoos off a rock. We can work out a trade. It will not be for a while. I am guessing a month or more.
I have my zoos under flourescents and they have spread out over a rock that is at least a foot long. All of them open all day long, except when a crab crawls across them. I have no knowledge of this, but postulating that your lights are better than mine I would assume that zoo's do not need much light. Maybe try moving them to the bottom of the tank and see if they do better. How long have you had your zoo's? I have had mine at least 6 months.
Does anyone know how to frag zoo's? Do you have to have them grow onto another rock or this there a way to cut the?
Oh yeah great zoo's. I like the green ones, they look great.


Active Member
I would just let them spread to another rock. Maybe point a PH inderectly at them so they move faster but I would not cut them as they are toxic and can release a toxin when stressed. JMO


My zoos arent growing, i mean... they are growing but, they re becoming longer, i want them to creat new zoos and to cover my LRs
They may not be growing due to lack of light or trace elements. Some Zoos need tons of light just to survive. I place mine at the top of the tank so they can get lots of light. Another important factor is currrent, some like lots of current some not so much. Try moving them around and see what happens.


Active Member
Slothy- 4X32 Watt PC-
Grimes- that close to MH is most likely the problem- they like light but not quite that much- i would lower them-
Also slothy- i think it is normal for them to loose color in really bright tanks
Thanks Guys:)


Active Member
about fragging- when they are open cut as close to the base as possible-with sharp small scissors- take a paper towel and dry the bottom- glue to a rock w/ superglue-