Zooplankton by sweet water?

Have you ever used this. I saw it at a trusted LFS when i was looking for DT's. LFS dude said that he got it to feed fish, but found out that corals love it. It was only 8 buck's so i got some. Any body ever had any exper. with this?


I have used it and everything went nuts over it. I never had ill effects from using it but I didnt use it long term. but my anemone, and sun polyps all ate it along with all the fish.
just smell it before you use it I had one bottle that went bad a few days after it was opened even stores in the fridge.


Active Member
ive seen it offered for sale at many online retailers, but havent used it myself....definately curious!
good luck


I just bought some of the stuff and it made for some happy tank mates. The corals, fish, and the clean up crew all gorged themselves on the stuff. Even when it is not bad it smells terrible. Whiff at your own risk.


Do a search around. You can find the stuff for relatively inexpensive. I know of at least one place online that sells the jars for $1.95.
I like you found it at the local fish store for $9 a jar. Everything loved it. But the lfs didn't have anymore when I went back in. So there I was online shopping and the rest is history.
I did "whiff" it. It does stink, but not like "dead snail out of water stink".:)
I feed it to night, just a little. It was like a little feeding frenzy. Everybody loved it. I will feed a little more in a coupla days. Thanks for the info.