zooplanx or zooplex by kent?


i stopped by petland tonight and picked up 10 blueleg hermits and a turbosnail. while talking to the salesman, a manderin goby came up. i said i loved them, but read everywhere that they're hearty but very hard to feed. he showed me a product by kent, named either ZOOPLANX OR ZOOPLEX. it's a orange liquid w/zooplankton in it. he said its abt a week on the market and it's just what they eat. anyone familiar w/this product?:p


Yes, my LFS had a sample of it about a month ago_One of the guys that work there is using it on his tank at home and says it's terrific. The story I'm getting is that it comes out of Calif. and they are having trouble supplying the whole country. My LFS orders it every week and can't get it yet.


manderins only eat pods. Sometimes you might get lucky and find one that will eat live brine. They will not eat zooplankton. All my other fish seem to love it though. You need an established tank with lots of live rock to keep one healthy. Its not out of the question for you to have a manderin, but get some more live rock and wait a long time for you tank to get fully established and have a health supply of pods.


jarvis, this is the first time i've used live rock. what do pods look like. theres all kinds of stuff on them. i have a lot of purple holes on them. also alot of black stuff. do you know what that is, good or bad? thanks.