zoos I give up... why why why!!!?


O.K. I'm at my wits end here. My lighting is 130 watts on a 29 gal. all water spects are perfect, but I can never keep zoos for a long period of time. They do fine for about 6 months or so then close up one by one and dissapear. All other corals are vibrant and growing nicely. no predators attacking..what is wrong? do zoo's just hate my tank? I've have a few flatworms in the past, but i've been told they arn't the culprit? my tank is 4 years old, and only the zoos I have problems with,of all things?


Active Member
do you have any LPS next to or near it? they can sting other coral, especially the galaxea type, which needs at least 8in of free space around it. also, what are your lights and how tall is your tank?
Originally Posted by sprang
O.K. I'm at my wits end here. My lighting is 130 watts on a 29 gal. all water spects are perfect, but I can never keep zoos for a long period of time. They do fine for about 6 months or so then close up one by one and dissapear. All other corals are vibrant and growing nicely. no predators attacking..what is wrong? do zoo's just hate my tank? I've have a few flatworms in the past, but i've been told they arn't the culprit? my tank is 4 years old, and only the zoos I have problems with,of all things?

Watch for little snails that have black and white shells and are curled around like a pyramid, they eat zoos. I am not sure what they are called but that might be your problem, they look harmless but had one in my tank that wiped out a whole colony


Active Member
sometimes, some corals just wont grow in some tanks........some people can only do hard corals and some can only do polyps.......some both


There is nothing remotly close to this last large rock i bought and have no sundials or other pest detected, but noticed some of the polyps opened up today after my water change. Are they lacking something in the water? I have a pretty heavy load (coral) for a small tank, but only two small fish.


Water quality seems to be your issue. Do you run carbon? If not you should and do water changes as there is somehting going on with your water quality. I had that issue when I first had a 29G, had a few zoanthids die, but LPS and mushroms were OK. Once I corrected my problem zoanthids were no problem. Do you run a protein skimmer and do you dose your tank with anything?


New Member
Originally Posted by sprang
O.K. I'm at my wits end here. My lighting is 130 watts on a 29 gal. all water spects are perfect, but I can never keep zoos for a long period of time. They do fine for about 6 months or so then close up one by one and dissapear. All other corals are vibrant and growing nicely. no predators attacking..what is wrong? do zoo's just hate my tank? I've have a few flatworms in the past, but i've been told they arn't the culprit? my tank is 4 years old, and only the zoos I have problems with,of all things?

OK I am having the same problem. I buy a frag of zoos, they do great for a week then they are gone.
Well then I found the problem.
My Blue Hippo Tank was eating them.
So I guess I will not be buying anymore zoos.


I started running carbon, and had read pros and cons on this with coral? I'm not currently dosing,....should I be? I've just always been told that zoanthids are easy to care for and need no additional supplements, just frequent water changes. Should I be using any supplements? I'm skimming and my nitrates are almost zero? All other corals grow like weeds, and I'm stumped why?


Active Member
I've found that zoas are a little funky. Have you ruled out zoa pox? I've had it decimate a few colonies but others were unaffected. I don't think it's a water quality issue. What about placement and flow. My zoas like to be up in the middle or higher in my 29 with pretty decent flow. Enough flow so that they wave a little. I also don't run carbon.


I have seen Zoas in almost no flow and they still grow, they don't require much flow, too muchflow will make their tentacles extend a bit more, nothing else. As far as lighting, I have mine growing in all placements, from down in the sand bed(even behind rocks) to the highest point in my tank about 6 inches from the surface. Only problem is they will extend and/or look bigger when they are looking for more light. If it is a Zoanthid disease, you may want to wait at least 6 weeks before trying any other zoanthids just to let the bacteria run its cycle and die off. If you think it could be that, then just do a iodine dips before adding to your tank.


Originally Posted by phils29bcinwa
Watch for little snails that have black and white shells and are curled around like a pyramid, they eat zoos. I am not sure what they are called but that might be your problem, they look harmless but had one in my tank that wiped out a whole colony
They are called bubble bees I had some in my tank and found them munching their but off on on of my colony's
here is a pic


Originally Posted by bonita69
They are called bubble bees I had some in my tank and found them munching their but off on on of my colony's
here is a pic

They won't bother coral, they will however kill other snails....
You're water may be too pristene...Softies, typically like water that a little dirty..I think calfo did an article on it.

bird dog

All I do is water changes period. I cant slow down the zoos. The xenia spreads like weeds. My acros have been fragged again and again.
Good light and don't mess with it. I do run a skimmer. Don't overfeed fish.
All you need is in the salt mix if you do a small regular water change you are there.


Flricordia, is there anything you don't have a ridiculous collection of? Seems you have the best collection of anything. I have seen the shots of your rics and now zoanthids. Which are gorgeous by the way(both, Rics and Zoos).


Active Member
Originally Posted by h2ocrazy
Flricordia, is there anything you don't have a ridiculous collection of? Seems you have the best collection of anything. I have seen the shots of your rics and now zoanthids. Which are gorgeous by the way(both, Rics and Zoos).
Thanks and yes there is something I don't have much of... MONEY!