Zoo's not doing well??


I have colony of green zoo's that for some reason are not opening up like they used to. They first spread like wildfire, now just the top part of the colony is opening. I am not sure why. I have had them for about a year now. And this is just happening last week.
Here's some ideas and what I checked so far.
1) Lights-no, the bulbs are about 2 months old
2) Nitrates, etc---no zero
3) not next to any other corals
4) nothing munches on them that I can tell
My only ideas are could be some disease that I don't know about. Or my salt level could be low. I did a water change and the salinity has dropped some. Other than that I am stumped.
Any ideas??


What do you have for live stock? There may be something picking on them.


Watch your fish. I found that my angel is the one picking on mine. He travles around the tank picking at everything. I did not think it was him at first but as we watched sure enough he just takes one nibble and moves on to the next place. He is also picking at my blasto's and brains. So needless to say hes out this weekend with the upgrade!!