Thanks everyone!
This tank just went through an ich outbreak, and was left fallow for 30 days (which I know gives the amphipods a good chance to grow). So far the only animals added back to the tank (after quarantining) are a yellow clown goby and 7 green reef chromis. I have in quarantine now a pair of percula clowns, foxface, powder blue tang, bi-color blenny, and a flame angel. There are also dwarf red legged hermit crabs, astraea snails, turbo snails, nassarius snails, nerite snails. All water parameters are consistent and normal. I have not had any temp spikes.
I know they are not sundial snails, I don't believe they are a nudibranch. I am not even sure they are an amphipod, but they sure do resemble them. I have never seen amphipods out during the day, these "critters" are out in the day. If they could possibly be amphipods, would they irritate the zoo's. Most of the zoo's that are left (which is not much at this point) are not opening fully, like they are irritated. Also, if it could be amphipods, maybe a mandarin-fish would be a better choice.
Do you think I should get that six line wrasse and a mandarin-fish in QT a.s.a.p, meanwhile do the FW dip and see what comes of that? If I could get something to fall off the colony, I might be able to get a more clear picture. I'll try the FW dip tomorrow and let you know what I find.
Thanks all for the help!! GREATLY appreciated! -Jen