I just got my first RBTA for $9 at my LFS!!!!! i know it is not recommended to try to bring nems back but i talked the guy at the LFS down to $9 and i figure i might as well give it a try, rather then him starving at the store. The foot is in good shape and he is eating and moving around so i have faith that he will pull through but he is a little beached out. Now, i have done my research and know that the anemone is lacking zooxanthellae, which in fact are living organisms. My question is this:
While there are many remedies and supplements to dose tanks with to promote certain things like the growth of coralline through coralline plates, or cycle starting with beneficial bacteria, is there any way to promote the growth of zooxanthellae? i know that zooxanthellae is absorbed through the anemones and corals outer layers, but how do they get in the tank? where do they come from? how can you promote their multiplication? is there anything sold that will boost the level of zooxanthellae in my tank?
side note: prior to purchasing my RBTA today i acquired a pink tip haitian that was completely white. i got him like a month ago and when i gave him back to my LFS today in exchange for my RBTA, the upper halves up his tentacles were browning? that is a good sign right? zooxanthellae? is this any indication that the new RBTA will recover?
Thanks in advance for the help all!!
While there are many remedies and supplements to dose tanks with to promote certain things like the growth of coralline through coralline plates, or cycle starting with beneficial bacteria, is there any way to promote the growth of zooxanthellae? i know that zooxanthellae is absorbed through the anemones and corals outer layers, but how do they get in the tank? where do they come from? how can you promote their multiplication? is there anything sold that will boost the level of zooxanthellae in my tank?
side note: prior to purchasing my RBTA today i acquired a pink tip haitian that was completely white. i got him like a month ago and when i gave him back to my LFS today in exchange for my RBTA, the upper halves up his tentacles were browning? that is a good sign right? zooxanthellae? is this any indication that the new RBTA will recover?
Thanks in advance for the help all!!