New profile posts

Thought I'd check out my old stomping grounds. Been a while since any of my friends posted. Where is everybody?
Hey! I don't believe I met you but I was also a huge member in 2010s to 2015. Man this place died. I remember this was where it was at! So many amazing friends I made
Is the 95 gallon wave front tank aquarium available?
I have never seen a wave-shaped tank like this before but I LOVE IT! Too bad I live in Pennsylvania... However, I've always wanted to visit Arizona again!

Can I cycle a saltwater tank with live sand only and base rock?
Yes, but it will take longer. Honestly i wouldn't even use live stand. Just use dry and base rock. Ghost feed the tank, and monitor for the cycle
Been there done that, will not do that again with live sand and dead rock.
Do you have any ideas on 1600 gallon heaters for indoor saltwater tanks
I have typically seen large titanium probe type heaters in this application. What is the ambient temperature average? That will help decide how many watts you would need.
hello, need help i noticed today my puffer is biting my clownfish tail, any idea what i can do thank you
Hello from Tucson
Any one have any good have a good idea on how to keep my peppermint shrimp from stealing BTA food? I feed my BTA raw shrimp and my peppermint loves it.
I have a red lip tang that lays on his side. Appearing to be dead. But when I go to get him out he swims away. This is the first day he has been doing this.
Tom the Bomb
Tom the Bomb
dunno but my FW clown loaches do that al the time. Lay on the side and sleeps and when i walk over they swim away. Its normal for them but i dunno about u
Kevin Freele
Have you checked your chemical levels? My first time sorry if it's a stupid question. Nitrogen levels are maybe high.
After 2 days his insides were coming out of his mouth. Then it was coming out even more. He’s still alive now we have him in my sister’s tank that is nothing but saltwater in the tank. Is this normal or is he dying? And I just found out that the worker that was putting the anemone in a bag that had pulled the anemone off a rock and it has a tear on its foot. Will that also be the case?
Hello, i need some help with my long tentacle anemone. I’ve had my tank ready running good for about 4 months now. My mom purchased this anemone 3 days ago before I put him in my tank I let him float in the bag for about 40 minutes. He was fine, but until I put him in my tank. He was shrinking closing up and he was like that for 2 days.(1)
Hammer Coral tentacles are slowly shrinking into the head day by day. All params normal, could it be the coral banded shrimp?