Recent content by sargeboy

  1. sargeboy

    how to quarantine coral?

    better safe than sorry. i also just want to start my coral on a good start with no big mistakes.
  2. sargeboy

    how to quarantine coral?

    Well the ick can reside on the coral. But will the iodine kill the ick?
  3. sargeboy

    how to quarantine coral?

    are you suposed to let a coral you buy be in a quarantine for 8 weeks to kill the ick off it, so you dont introduce ick into your DT?
  4. sargeboy

    I think my fish have ick

    whats the organic product called
  5. sargeboy

    has anyone used herbtana?

    thats probably why he uses it, because the fish that come to his store are only there for around a week.
  6. sargeboy

    has anyone used herbtana?

    but has it helped anyone?
  7. sargeboy

    has anyone used herbtana?

    o thats too bad. my local fish store guy said he talked to some stores in seattle and they were all starting to use it.
  8. sargeboy

    has anyone used herbtana?

    i talked to my local fish store guy and he said he uses herbtana a 100% natural expellant for parastitic diseases. i bought some to try it out because i purchased a convict tang and percula clownand the guy sweares on it. has anyone used this product? what happened
  9. sargeboy

    New Member! Stock List

    i dont see anything wrong with that. just know once the wrasse is acclimated it can be very bold.
  10. sargeboy

    New Member! Stock List

    so his tank doesnt need agressive fish in it
  11. sargeboy

    help me on my stocklist

    thanks, do i have any okays from anyone else?
  12. sargeboy

    New Member! Stock List

    seargent majors arent that agressive, are they? i always thought they were like chromis more than damsels. so why would he need agressive fish?
  13. sargeboy

    help me on my stocklist

    new stocklist 1 royal gramma 1 carpenters wrasse 1 midas blenny 1 coral beauty angel 2 skunk clowns 1 yellow tang i decided to get the royal gramma instead of the two firefish is this any better? the only other thing i am okay with doing is getting 1 skunk clownfish if it is totally necessary
  14. sargeboy

    New Member! Stock List

    is this going to be a reef tank?
  15. sargeboy

    help me on my stocklist

    dang well could i get a bicolor psuedo instead of the basslet?