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  1. jmbdrummer

    Moving to a bigger tank.

    Good morning, Just a few questions to help make sure I don't hurt my fish and corals. I am in the process of moving from a 30 gallon tank to a 75. I currently have a reef tank that had been going for over a year. Some of my corals are attached really well to my live rock. How do I move these...
  2. jmbdrummer

    Can anyone help identify this.

    Hello, Can anyone please identify these tuses on my live rock. They have started multiplying. Is there a fish or something that help eliminate them. Thank you.
  3. jmbdrummer

    Help ID my new corals please.

    Good morning, I recently purchased a coral pack and just needed help with the ID of them and the best placement in the tank. Please and Thank you. Everyone on here has always been very helpful.
  4. jmbdrummer

    Help with coral or pest identification.

    Good afternoon everyone. I am not sure of this is a type of coral or pest please help. I will post the best pictures I can get. Sorry one of my crabs is beside it.
  5. jmbdrummer

    Newbie questions again.

    Hello everyone. Everyone here is always so helpful and I really appreciate it. I have tried to look through the forums for answers but find myself more confused. I have had a 30 gallon saltwater up for almost 2 years. It is a 24 x 12 x 24 xtall. It was a free tank and has worked okay. I have...
  6. jmbdrummer

    Another Newbie Question

    My 30 gallon tank is now stable and has been up for quite a while now. I was given another 25 gallon tank with some live rock that is not so live anymore. My question is, could I use the water changes from the 30 gallon tank to fill and cycle the live rock in the 25 g tank? I know that is...
  7. jmbdrummer

    Newbie help. please.

    Hello, New to the saltwater world and had two damsels die within a day of each other. Tank set up is a 24x24x12 it is considered a tall tank. Over the back filter. Live rock and crushed coral bottom. I had my water tested the day my one died. Must have died while I was at the pet store. The...