29 gallon biocube aquascaping/other pics...


Originally Posted by addicted2
I like the rockwork..really nice! it will only get better the more "stuff" you add..

i know i had a bunch of corals and lost them when my tank "bombed". im getting more as soon as my tank parameters are perfect.


thought i would give it one last bump. come on guys is it that bad. no corals yet but it will be better. hhaha


New Member
Is it just me, or does it look like there is a face in the rockwork. It looks like there is a set of eyes a nose and a big mouth.
Lookin good!


well i have some candy canes and a hammer that are mine but are waiting at the lfs. i will have some toadstoola.. xenia.. zoos... gsp.. bunch of stuff. it will be a work in progress. i see the face now too. kinda creepy. maybe i should move the rocks. just kidding