3 Tangs in a 135 gallon


I have had my 135 gallon set up for 3 years now running. all i have are six blue chromis. could i add a yellow tang, sailfin tang and a scopas tang all at the same or am i asking for trouble doing this.


Active Member
Originally Posted by mjm889 http:///t/388636/3-tangs-in-a-135-gallon#post_3428509
I have had my 135 gallon set up for 3 years now running. all i have are six blue chromis. could i add a yellow tang, sailfin tang and a scopas tang all at the same or am i asking for trouble doing this.
NO, that is a poor decision. I would say 2 at the max, if that... I would just have one of the three.

rainbow grouper

Active Member
i agree with traveler however we are having great success keeping a yellow and a mimic in a 140 but differences in scenarios plus all from zebramosa genus and even if added at the same time 3 tangs of the same genus in that size tank; well thats just asking for trouble.


ok thanks i will just choose one then. i thought it would be trouble but i just wanted to make sure


It's not recommended because they will fight. Has it been done before ? yes.
How long is your tank by the way? 6ft or longer? then it's definitely do able if circumstances are right. Rock work, enough swimming space etc etc.
If 135g tall 4 feet wide then not all 3. Settle with 2, If 6ft or longer, I would give it a try.
People will frown at me for saying this but I'm just telling you from my experience. I'm no pro of any kind so please take it with grain of salt because all tanks are different as well as individual fish in general.
yellow tang, sailfin tang and a scopas tang are all same or very similar shape and I will bet a dollar that yellow tang will go aggro on the rest.
Get a different type of family of surgeon fish and the aggression will be much less.
But if you are like me and get set on certain fish and wanna keep them trick is to introduce them simultaneously so that they don't have a territory to call their own.
How I have dealt with this situation is I have 2 tangs introduced at the same time around 12am or 1am (both of them sleeping in the sump at the time) and then net them and dump them in DT, they will be so discombobulated, they won't have time to fight. I have done this numerous times with both my tank and my friend's tanks with high success rate. Last time that I have done this was actually was last wed with 2 dwarf angels in a 72g bow front.
One to their own really. you really want it, go get it. I would if my tank was that big and was 6 feet or longer.
But ask around like you are doing now and research, research and do some more research to get it right.
Good luck buddy, if you need any more help, feel free to ask. I don't know how much of help I can be but sure will try.

EDIT: had this window open and after I replied, i saw whole bunch of replies, up to you OP. :)
JP and RG know their sw thing. I'm just an lone outlaw who over stuffs their tanks lol.


thanks for all the replies. My tank is six feet long. Im gonna stick with just one yellow tang and look at some other fish to add