55 Gallon Build Thread! Will Need some advice/tips along the way!

mr. limpid

Active Member
Could just be start of algae or could be cyno, either way I would leave your lights off during the time your fish are in QT. The bacteria doesn't require light to live, this will kill off the algae or cyno.

mr. limpid

Active Member
Well for crabs don't need light, you'll need to ghost feed your tank during QT period to keep bacteria alive. As for snails that my be a problem since they live off of algae, and algae needs light and you are trying to kill a form of algae (dilemma) you have to decide. Or find a new home for snails.


I have been throwing some fish food in there every few days. I am not going to be able to find a new home for the snails, so I am not sure what to do. If I put them in the QT, they will all die due to low salinity.
I am also not sure that the black dots are cyno or if they are some sort of eggs. I am stuck

mr. limpid

Active Member
Well, nothing in this hobby requires fast action. So I would continue running lights and wait a couple of days to see what happens to the dots.


I have dramatically decreased the hours my lights are on, and moved the power heads around so that they would circulate the water next to the dots. Nothing has happened, they haven't decreased nor increased in size and aren't spreading in the tank....what the heck is it


So my Angel in my HT has been cured this past sunday! Im in the middle of raising the SG very slowly (went up .05 in 3 days) until I get it to the same level as my DT. I am using DI water for the water changes to bring up the SG. If everything goes to plan, I should be moving my angels to the DT this saturday. Want to leave the angel in the HT for a week longer just so that there is no bio overload. Do you guys think that's necessary, or can I move all 3 of them in at the same time?
Also, what is the best way to move the fish from QT to DT without much stress??
I will have some pictures of the tank once I move my fish in there.


Do you supplement any of your food with garlic? Garlic is more of a stimulant for appetite but it also aids against ich. The reasoning behind that is the garlic soaked food in eaten by the fish, then this garlic is in the fish. Apparently it gets to the skin of the fish, similar to how we sweat, and ich doesn't like garlic. This is what I have read and have been told too, someone can feel free to elaborate or correct me if I'm wrong!
As far as transporting the fish from tank to tank, maybe float is the best method to acclimate to Dtank?


I straight fed tiny pieces of Garlic to the Angel, and the clowns ate some too. I did this for about 1 week, everyday. They came to love it, especially the Angel, and now go crazy for it!! Def a great supplement of vitamins and a way to cure illnesses. +1 on the garlic.
For the movement, I meant how should I transport the fish? In a plastic bag like the fish store does it, or is there a better method?


Just wanted to do a little update! My fish are all in the DT now and are doing GREAT!!! They are so happy wil all that water to swim around in!! The Yellowfin loves the rock work, and has a few goto hiding spots! The parameters are all good and zeros, so thats good.
Probably thinking of getting 3-4 chromis next week to put in the QT once the levels are normal again. The Nitratite spiked after I took all the fish out

Also, does anyone have any suggestions in regard to some corals?? I have T5 fixture with 2 X 54 W lamps..so anything that wouldn't require a lot of light/easy care level for a beginner .
Here are some shots of the DT!


Just brought home 3 sweet blue/green chromis and drip acclimated them! They are now in the QT for at least 3-4 weeks. Hopefully nothing will come up and they can move into the big tank once their "timeout" is over

On another note, my clowns started to fight, well, the female has been bullying the male for about 10 days now and I am starting to get worried. I noticed some marks on him from getting picked on. Rearranged some of the rocks and switched the lights off. We'll see what happens in the next few days. If it doesn't stop, I will have to give the male away to the LFS, because i don't want to see him get killed...


Active Member
Originally Posted by artemK http:///t/388982/55-gallon-build-thread-will-need-some-advice-tips-along-the-way/20#post_3447937
Just brought home 3 sweet blue/green chromis and drip acclimated them! They are now in the QT for at least 3-4 weeks. Hopefully nothing will come up and they can move into the big tank once their "timeout" is over

On another note, my clowns started to fight, well, the female has been bullying the male for about 10 days now and I am starting to get worried. I noticed some marks on him from getting picked on. Rearranged some of the rocks and switched the lights off. We'll see what happens in the next few days. If it doesn't stop, I will have to give the male away to the LFS, because i don't want to see him get killed...
I wonder if the male was in the process of changing to a female and the bigger female is trying to suppress the change. When I had my clowns, the female beat on one of the clowns for almost 2 weeks, then they all feel in line. Want to say, give it a little more time, however, not being there you can't judge the aggression.


I think its settling down. I will take a short video later tonight and upload it on here. I have been turning the lights off everytime I see her chasing and running into him, which I think has helped.
On my QT status, I noticed a small brownish spot on one of the Chromis yesterday....not happy about it. I will look more carefully today and try to ID it so I can medicate it properly. Really dont want to go through another 6 weeks of Hypo, but we'll see. Maybe its not Ich.


So, my clown are much better now, but the female is still chasing the poor little fella from time to time. I think they will resolve their differences soon.
My chromis are doing well in my QT. Swimming around real well, and eating like pigs

I also got 2 corals!!!!!!
Some zoas and a very small Yuma Mushroom!
Here are the pictures of the Zoas. I got them 3 days ago, but a few polyps still haven't opened up..



Thanks! I will upload more pictures of the other ones later today. I also just got some mushrooms and silver xenias