A question about adding live rock


I have a 55 for about a year now with only 12 punds of live rock, however I have avout 30 lbs of dead rock that I added when I first strated the tank. I has produced some coraline on it but not enough since it only has 12 punds of live rock to aquire coraline from. I was going to order about 50lbs of live rock from a online site. The question lies in that how and how soon can I add this rock. If I add all the rock immediatly won't it throw my good parameters out of whack. How should I handle this situation?
I have soft polypos and a few inverts, I am not worried about the fish unless my ammonia goes up, I just do not want to endanger my inhabitants.
Thanks guys


Active Member
Make sure it is cured Live Rock if you are adding to an established tank. Also, even cured will have some die off in shipping. You may want to set up a tub with similar water to allow the die off to happen away from the stock in your tank. Then add it.


how long does it usually take for the die off to completely take place, also I can add it all at one time?


Active Member
It depends on how long the rock was out of water. I would set up some kind of curing container. You can always check the water and when the readings are good your rock is cured.


New Member
My 2 cents from my experience.
I added 20lbs of LR to my already cycled 29 gal tank that had about 10 lbs of LR.
I bought the LR online. I put it all in a tub for a couple of days with an airstone in it. I then added all of it in and checked my levels every day for awhile. Never saw a spike in ammonia or anything. The rocks didnt have a strong odor or anything.
But I have read that if they have any kind of strong smell they should be put in a tub and get cured once again.
29 gal tank
Tetratec 150
Maxi Jet 400
30 lbs LR
Peppermint Shrimp
Camel Shrimp
1 zebra hermit
2 blue legged hermits
1 emerald crab
1 chocolate chip star


Active Member
Yes strong smell = dead things which will throw your water paramters off.
If you can, visit a Fish store and look around. For as much rock as you want to buy they will usually cut you a decent deal which may save you from having disappointing rock shipped to you.