Ace's 12 Gallon Tank!


Hello All!
After being told by several people on SWF, I have decided to make a diary logging the progress of my first ever fish tank. I decided that if I were going to do this, I would jump in head first, as I've read that fresh water is so different anyway. Due to the restrictions on my apartment, I had to go with a nano. While shopping around, I found a JBJ NanoCube on sale for 99 bucks, so I jumped on it!
Thus far it's been four weeks since I added my live sand and live rock (Both Fiji), I had the water tested by my LFS, they gave me the go ahead, and two days ago I added the first portion of my clean up crew:
2 Blue Leg Hermits
1 Astrea Snail
1 Nassarius Snail
1 Peppermint Shrimp
I will have pics shortly!


Well thank you... Expect many, many questions. Here's the first. I asked about my hermit crab going missing in a previous post in the beginner's section. I was told that they molt. How long does this process take? Because the guys at my LFS me that he's most likely dead because he's been gone so long...


Ok.. so I know everyone this forums has seen these, but it's my thread, and I want to show off my blue leg and peppermint! (they're the first pets I've ever had)
