Adding More Fish


Hey everyone. Just want to know if it is allright to add more fish after my Coral Beauty. I recently changed the decor of my tank--if that matters. The fish/inverts in my tank are a coral beauty, black clown and orange clown, 1 chromis, 2 turbos, 1 margarita snail, and a SEXY shrimp. Thank you


Well-Known Member
Tank size matters, so again askimg the same question Fattytwobyfour asked....
Just so you know, Margarita snails need cooler temps...but it sounds to me anyway, like you either have a small or brand new set up tank, or a very small inadequate CUC. In my 56g tank I have 65 snails of different varieties, and 3 peppermint shrimp. It's a 2 year old tank, and my CUC was built slowly as the algae was available to keep them fed.
I have a 33 gallon. I went with two clowns & a coral beauty angelfish in mine. If it was my tank and I was keeping corals, I wouldn't add any more fish.


I don't have any corals or anemones. I just want a few more small fish, but I just need to know if Coral Beauty would harm them. Thank you. Oh yeah, I need to add more snails and shrimp to the tank--I need a better CUC lol.
It really depends on the types of fish. Typically, you want to add the coral beauty angelfish last because they can be aggressive towards smaller tankmates. Rearranging the rock work could help by encouraging fish to reestablish territories. You may try that, but I'd have some other option for the newly added fish if they angelfish is harassing them. Maybe a quarantine tank. You might add the angelfish to the quarantine, redo the rock work, let the newer fish get established and then add the angelfish back.
You shouldn't have any problem with shrimp and snails. I added mine after, and no problems.
It really depends on the angelfish though. Mine wasn't aggressive. He had enough room and plenty of caves & hiding spaces. I added clownfish after, and they stayed in their corner, & didn't bother each other. I know it sounds like I'm speaking out both sides of my mouth. But you may try adding new fish and just have a plan to move them out of the tank if there is aggression.


I appreciate your help. My angelfish is not aggressive, just swims and keeps to himself. My biggest clownfish is the most aggressive, but not a hazard. I recently had 3 fish die, that's why I'm looking to replenish. I think I am going to add fish and post the outcome. :)


Well-Known Member
My coral is hit or miss w aggression. It was supp to be the last fish lol but it's hard to stop. Mine will chase my purple fire and occasionally my royal gramma. Both fish were in the tank b4 the angel. But I added a pygmy hawk and a red scooter after the angel and it shows them no interest. I think it has to do w where in the water column the fish are. The last 2 are most bottom dwellers and stay out of the angels zone