aiptasia and the butterfly fish...


I just read somewhere that the copperband butterfly fish is great for eating aiptasia, and also doesn't disturb other corals (as long as they're well fed I suppose). Is there any truth to this? I can't include the link because it violates's terms...I can PM it to you if you are really curious and want to read it yourself.


Active Member
The bottomline is maybe. Sometimes it does work, and probably how the story got started. But other times, the Copperband nips at more then just aiptasia regardless how much you feed (individual fish thing), or about half the time IMO, the Copperband refuses to eat anything, and people find out that CBB's are far from hardy fish and perishes.
More or less identical to peppermint shrimp, though the chances for success are higher with a CBB.
Also, just some FWIW, threads titled "my yellow tang is attacking my Copperband" are among the most popular in the hobby.


Active Member
Coperbands are very finicky eaters. IF....... they eat the aptaisia they usually starve after there all gone. Go with a peppermint shrimp, way better at the job of eating aptaisia.


I think I must have tried a dozen peppermint shrimp bought from different stores, online and local and they never ever touched any of the aptaisia anemones in my reef tank.


Active Member
The general concepts is 1/3 of peppermint shrimp will eventually eat aiptasia. On the other hand it is believed that ALL Copperbands will eventually eat aiptasia. It takes them longer than p. shrimp to notice them but they are less of a long shot than peppermint shrimp.
I have both, although I didn't get the Copperband for aiptasia, but actually look. They are picky eaters and you should physically see them take frozen food before purchasing it, otherwise you are chancing it.


Originally Posted by Xcali1985
The general concepts is 1/3 of peppermint shrimp will eventually eat aiptasia. On the other hand it is believed that ALL Copperbands will eventually eat aiptasia. It takes them longer than p. shrimp to notice them but they are less of a long shot than peppermint shrimp.
I have both, although I didn't get the Copperband for aiptasia, but actually look. They are picky eaters and you should physically see them take frozen food before purchasing it, otherwise you are chancing it.
the copperband doesn't bother your other corals?