anemone help!!!


penny ish

i just got a Florida Condi anemone. Hes been in my tank for about 3 days now, and i have yet to see it eat. My LFS told me to feed it krill, ive been cutting the krill in half and placing it near its mouth..... he seems to hold it wiht its tentcles for a while and just drop it minutes my technique in feeding it wrong???? what else can i try feeding it... i feed my fish live brine and im not sure if he got any of that?? HELP!!!!! before its too late!!


the anemone just might need some time to get used to its new home. it might also be getting some of the live brine you are feeding the tank. you might also want to try cutting the krill into smaller pieces. hth


my LTA eats silversides. sometimes it does the same thing as yours and just holds it for a while and then drops it. i assume its just not hungry.
it's probably not "hungry".
I feed my guy's once a week or so.
They would take a month to die of hunger.
Let him settle in for a few days more and then feed him. They don't eat much, my condi's always ate flake food...never chunks.
BTW condi's will roam a lot. So don't be supprised.


Active Member
Mine never ate when I spot fed it. It lived for about a year before I traded it away when I got a carpet anenome. Unfortunately the guy who traded it didnt take care of his tank and the anenome died. What a jackass.