another disaster!!!!!



well this morning i wake up to the sound of my return pump sucking air at 3:00am get up to see what is going on, when i went to bed at 12 it had water well what do i see but WATER EVERYWHERE coming from under the tank all over the carpet...this is the second time in a matter of months i have flooded the carpet...the first time was the coralife skimmer overflowing the drain bottle...this time the freakin RETURN HOSE CAME OFF THE RETURN PUMP and it is a mag 7 it didnt take long to empty the 2 gallons it had in the baffle then move to the water draining from the tank like it would if the power was to go out so needless to say i had to MOVE the tank AGAIN to clean up about 7 gallons of water half of which stayed under the tank in the cabinet...luckily i learned a lesson last time and lined the bottom of the cabinet with a shower curtain which held the water
but still a terrible mess on the floor i hope i dont have floor damage from this being the second time...if it happens again the tank and everything in it is GONE!!!


there has got to be an easier way to keep crap like this from happening it may be just me only having bad luck but this is becoming more of a pain in my rear that it is a pleasure


Wow that sucks. I've had a few issues myself. Usually its because I forget to turn off my RO unit before I go to work. I had an auto shut off, but I cracked it so it doesn't work any more. I've also had a few leaks from my tank as well and I have hard wood floors and they are now destroyed from water damage. I wonder what my landlord is going to say when I move? It's a good thing I have renters insurance!


Active Member
If it makes you feel any better. I had a return hose fall off and wake at 4am to the sound of a pump sucking air. But mine emptied 15 gallons. Lots of water losts of mopping. My tank is on tiles and I do not have any carpet in the house. I did not have an extra 15 gal of water mixed either. Had to wait till my LFS opened up.

Still sucks but sorry to hear.


There are water sensors that are used under household water-heaters. The moment water touches them; they set off an alarm. This is designed to alert you of a water leak.
Go to the hardware store and look them up. I have one under every tank in my house. Thanks GOD they have never gone off, but if it happens when I’m home, I’ll know about it.
Good luck man.


Originally Posted by bgrae001
Wow that sucks. I've had a few issues myself. Usually its because I forget to turn off my RO unit before I go to work. I had an auto shut off, but I cracked it so it doesn't work any more. I've also had a few leaks from my tank as well and I have hard wood floors and they are now destroyed from water damage. I wonder what my landlord is going to say when I move? It's a good thing I have renters insurance!

oh i have done that 3 times since i got my RO but at least it was on tile so all i had to do was mop it up


Originally Posted by Dinogeorge
There are water sensors that are used under household water-heaters. The moment water touches them; they set off an alarm. This is designed to alert you of a water leak.
Go to the hardware store and look them up. I have one under every tank in my house. Thanks GOD they have never gone off, but if it happens when I’m home, I’ll know about it.
Good luck man.
how do you hook up these sensors?


Originally Posted by FISHY7
If it makes you feel any better. I had a return hose fall off and wake at 4am to the sound of a pump sucking air. But mine emptied 15 gallons. Lots of water losts of mopping. My tank is on tiles and I do not have any carpet in the house. I did not have an extra 15 gal of water mixed either. Had to wait till my LFS opened up.

Still sucks but sorry to hear.
i just finished making 30g of water in my brute trash can yesterday so i had nothing to take the water out of my tank so i could move it so once again i had to lug the empty 75g and stand back into the house and move everything into it....i am in the process now of rehanging my shower curtain so it will help protect the socket from another event and salt now that there is a socket behind the tank


Originally Posted by jrthomas40
oh i have done that 3 times since i got my RO but at least it was on tile so all i had to do was mop it up
Yeah, I learned to put the container that I use to store the fresh water on top of my washing machine when I fill it up. So when I forget it, it just fills the washing machine up and doesn't flood my apartment. Usually I'm home before it fills up the washer!


Active Member
Sorry to hear about your water issues, I think we all have had something like that happen in the past, most people don't like to put their mistakes out there for people to see. Did you use hose clamps/HD zip ties on the return hose? The sensors may not be a bad idea for you. Good luck and I hope no more water ends up on your floor.



putting it on top of the washer is a good idea except that wont work for me because i have to make so much water at one time because i do about 20g out of a 90g each time i do a water change.....i did not use the clamps on the hose because when i started this the guy at the LFS said i had nothing to worry about and it wouldnt come off because it was such a snug fit but believe you me i picked some up this morning while at walmart getting some silicone to calk the seems in my cabinet along with 2 heavy duty shower cutains to line the inside...1 in the back top to bottom and 1 double layered on the bottom


Originally Posted by jrthomas40
putting it on top of the washer is a good idea except that wont work for me because i have to make so much water at one time because i do about 20g out of a 90g each time i do a water change.....i did not use the clamps on the hose because when i started this the guy at the LFS said i had nothing to worry about and it wouldnt come off because it was such a snug fit but believe you me i picked some up this morning while at walmart getting some silicone to calk the seems in my cabinet along with 2 heavy duty shower cutains to line the inside...1 in the back top to bottom and 1 double layered on the bottom
I use a 5 gal culligan bottle to catch my water then I transfer it to my 40 gal holding tank by hand. Its the only to do it till I can get another shutoff valve.


Active Member
if you are using tubing, you have to secure it with metal hose clamps that

tight.....I used plastic hose clamps once on my panworld pump which has 45 ft of head....they popped off while I was cleaning away salt creep and I had literally a geiser in my family room....


Originally Posted by sleasia
wow...weird, i've been sensored for using a word that could have two meanings I guess.....
yeah funny the bank of words they have i am done water proofing i will take a pic to show everyone how OVERBOARD i


i was looking at the tank today and found that the clamps i put on my hoses have rust on them all ready...the box said everything was stainless there something else i can use so i dont pollute my water with iron