Anyone ever use Kent phosphate sponge?


I just bought this product online and was wondering if anyone had success using it. My tank had a faulty protein skimmer and more half of the water flooded onto my carpet. After replacing the water many clams died and polluted my water. I've done several water changes but still had a hair algae breakout. Finaly got tired of pulling the stuff out and doing water changes and thought I'd give this product a try. I've heard that it won't affect the corals or fish. Any comments would be appreciated. Thanks, Frank.


Ive used it and it is safe and affective, but like BigMac says your clams wouldn't polute your tank with PO4's that I know of.


Thanks for the respones. I've done the water changes and cut back feeding. I just ordered new lights a month ago and cut back on the lighting period. I use distilled water which I've never had problems with before. None of this has helped my hair algae problem. I thought if I cut down on the phosphates in the tank I could get rid of the problem. I'm sure the dead clams were a factor in my nitrates and phosphates going through the roof. Have I missed something? My next move is adding some caulpera to the tank. At least they're not as ugly as hair algae.


Phosphates have shot through the roof. Nitrates at about 25-30(never been able to keep at zero). Ammonia and nitrites at zero. I've had caulepra before in my display but when it started going asexual six months ago I removed it all. I don't have room for a refuge in my small apt. so that isn't an option. I will test the distilled water I've been using but I don't think it's the cause. I've been using it for almost two years without problems. What is sea grass? That's something I haven't heard of. Thanks again for the replies and help.

david s

striker the phophte is geting into your system some how what are you useing for fish food ?? check your topoff water too. I useally run a phosphate spounge and have had good luck with them I am buying ro water from lfs atm but am looking into a ro/di unit IMo that is one of the best investments A reefer can make


I feed them frozen brine and squid on the weekend and a few flakes on the weekdays. If this doesn't take care of the problem I will definitely invest in a ro unit. thanks, frank.


Bingo :cool: I bet on the frozen brine causing your phosphates.
Stop the use of the brine, it's not very nutritious anyway.
Mysis shrimp would be a better choice