Anyone have any experiance with


Active Member
Seachem Salt? I noticed that it is a reasonable price on the dr's site and I haven't heard anything about it.
Any users? I am having a hard time getting my normal Tropic Marin since I switched to it and I was thinking of going w/ Reef Crystals and saw this NEW Seachem Salt.


SeaChems salt is ok....Not great. Tropic Marin Pro Reef is the best. That said, I get the best results from Instant Ocean & Oceanic mixed 50/50.


Active Member
Tropic Marin is the best. I love Oceanic also. You just need to buffer the alkalinity when doing water changes.
However, if it is a question between Reef Crystals and SeaChem, I would go with SeaChem.
I do not like Instant Ocean/Reef Crystals at all.


Active Member
Well great! I already ordered it. Well I've been getting my TM from the drs and it has been on back order and keeps getting pushed back. So I had the substitute the reef crystals instead. I will go back w/ TM next time. I just need to make sure I don't wait until the last minute again.
I was using Oceanic but my calcium stayed way over 550, so I switched to TM.