anyone selling any Purple people eaters?


How much are you looking to spend.I might be able to get you one from the person i will be getting mine from.


Active Member
i dont know what they really go for.
the one site had a colocny for sale of like 4 of them for about 50bucks but I think they where just really low priced there. to bad they sold out so fast


Yeah thats low.I have seen them go for 50 a polyp.Ill ask the guy for you them pm you with his e mail.I have bought other frags of him before.but hes not on here he is local.


I almost bought a 7-polyp colony. I am still talking to the guy trying to lower his price a little. If I get it from him, i will break off a polyp if you want. 50 bucks is the norm from what i have seen too. Maybe even higher for single polyps.


Originally Posted by 05xrunner
i dont know what they really go for.
the one site had a colocny for sale of like 4 of them for about 50bucks but I think they where just really low priced there. to bad they sold out so fast

Some thing does not seem right there. They are usually 40-50 per head. Are you sure they were PPE and not Jokers or some other imposter. There are a lot of sites out there that not honest and will take advantage of you.


Active Member
no they are a very good site to buy from. They just sell at good prices and not overpriced like ALOT of other places do. I have purchased from them before..ignore the messy middle I had to blur the site name so my photo didnt get deleted