anyone use facebook?


Active Member
i use it incessantly, but i've got my privacy settings set so no one can find me unless i friend them first


Active Member
I had it but deleted it due too the none stop freaky side of it.. I posted I am married and would still get 2 or 3 people plus a day wanting too meet in my area blah blah blah..
I will stick with myspace...


Active Member
I'll take Facebook over MySpace any day. I'm there but have my privacy settings set for private and who knows my name can request me as a friend :) You won't lose much hehehehe


Active Member
No thanks, either one. Both are so far from their original purpose. Waaaay too many old people in either....


Active Member
Originally Posted by AquaKnight
No thanks, either one. Both are so far from their original purpose. Waaaay too many old people in either....
I really dont see it as an old people vs young people thing. Through Facebook I recently got back in touch with a whole crowd of people that I havent seen in the 16 years since I graduated high school. We all got together at a bar a few weeks ago and had a great time catching up. For things like that, Facebook and Myspace are fantastic.


Active Member
Well the way I originally viewed it as a way for students at high school and universities to get together. The whole point was that it was school-specific so like if kids in an account class had an exam coming up, they could get together online if they couldn't meet at the library, and discuss the exam/study. The commercialization of myspace is appalling, I mean freakin' car dealerships and video game stores have myspaces. The other thing is the the groups. I've lost count of the times on car and fish forums I've read about people starting clubs on either of those two sites. WHY!?!?!? If you go something to say, say in on the message board.
As far as meeting people, I just don't understand why over MyS or FB (other then the fact everyone and their brother has an account). Join the school's alumni society. That's what it's there for...


Active Member
I think they were both originally created with the intention of begin for college students but then the rest of the world found them and realized that they were a really great way for people of all age ranges to be in contact with each other, and so the commercialization started.


Active Member
Originally Posted by DragonZim
I really dont see it as an old people vs young people thing. Through Facebook I recently got back in touch with a whole crowd of people that I havent seen in the 16 years since I graduated high school. We all got together at a bar a few weeks ago and had a great time catching up. For things like that, Facebook and Myspace are fantastic.
i fully agree ,got to see people from highschool i havnt seen in years