Anyone watch any movies? Redux


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Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2
So who all watched this movie? Just by statistic percentages, some of you had to..... This opening weekend, Harry Potter grossed $168 million, the highest ever for a film. Overtaking previously title holder, The Dark Knight, by $10 million.


Well-Known Member
I did just last night....must say now i need to finish reading the last two books! Great movie imho! Finally its over as well lol....however i think they left it open in the end to start another set of em.
Transformers was good as well! They got rid of the previous girl and replaced her actually decently. The ending was the best part imo with all the fighting, it took a lot to get it their though!


Active Member
I went opening night but I watched Transformers instead. I will wait for the Potter mania to die down some.


Active Member
I have no desire to see Harry Potter in the theater. I never saw any of the others in the theater so why start now?


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1guyDude http:///forum/thread/385383/anyone-watch-any-movies-redux/20#post_3398305
Transformers was good as well! They got rid of the previous girl and replaced her actually decently. The ending was the best part imo with all the fighting, it took a lot to get it their though!
To be honest, I just couldn't see Megan Fox playing the role anyways. She wasn't pseudo-materialistic like this new one.
Originally Posted by mrdc
I went opening night but I watched Transformers instead. I will wait for the Potter mania to die down some.
Precisely why I haven't seen it yet, though that whole kinda mythical genre, including LOTRs, doesn't intrigue me too much anyways...


Active Member
Captain America: The First Avenger: 7.5 out of 10. With a production budget pf $140 million, I expected Captain America to look good. And it sure did. For the first time in a long while, I actually felt like I was watching a film set to the year(s) it was intended (in this case, the 1940's) Well, except for Tommy Lee Jones' character... Felt like every other Tommy Lee Jones role I've seen. The film only receives a 7.5 for two reasons, the first can be described as 'flat.' The fight scenes were okay at best. They looked awesome but you just never got any sense of grandure, no unstoppable force going up against an immoveable object.. Flat also describes the worst part of this film, the hero. You kinda go see a Superhero movie for the hero. While Chris Evans performance was great, the role itself left soo much to be desired. We learned a couple things, mostly that Captain America is a good guy. Good at everything basically, and we never catch a glimpse of him doing any wrong. We also never learn exactly what he powers fully seem to be, and exactly what if any powers he seems to have.
Keep in mind that this is the last individual Avenger movie, before they all come together next year. So there is a lot of set ups and storylines being told as well. If you're into these comic movies, there's a lot of references to grab. If not, I would at least suggest to watch Thor and Iron Man 1 and 2, if you haven't seen them. If you don't want to, you're just missing out on a couple things here and there, but wouldn't detract from you watching only this film. As with any Marvel film, stay till after the credits (or you'll miss the entire point of seeing the film). To be honest the best highlights personally were finally seeing the trailer for 'The Dark Knight Rises' in theaters, and what at the very end


Active Member
Saw it Saturday, meant to write a review, just busy. I definitely think other people should go see it. It's more true to westerns, so it's jnow exactly one awesome action scene to the next. So it might be a little slow for younger kids who bored quickly, but anyone older should be fine. My gripes though are a rather long list, but they are all mostly minor and insignificant. Mostly just plot holes/loose ends that never got tied up. It's actually a fairly unique film. It's more serious then a comedy alien movie like Independence Day or Men In Black.
I am very curous to hear other people's opinions on this film.


Active Member
Originally Posted by AquaKnight http:///forum/thread/385383/anyone-watch-any-movies-redux/20#post_3398268
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2
So who all watched this movie? Just by statistic percentages, some of you had to..... This opening weekend, Harry Potter grossed $168 million, the highest ever for a film. Overtaking previously title holder, The Dark Knight, by $10 million.
I did, I was impressed...
Originally Posted by mrdc http:///forum/thread/385383/anyone-watch-any-movies-redux/20#post_3404167
Seen Cowboys and Aliens yet? I plan to see it this weekend.
It was wonderful. But then again, I LOVE westerns and scifi. Don't go into it too serious, and you'll love it...
Originally Posted by AquaKnight
Saw it Saturday, meant to write a review, just busy. I definitely think other people should go see it. It's more true to westerns, so it's jnow exactly one awesome action scene to the next. So it might be a little slow for younger kids who bored quickly, but anyone older should be fine. My gripes though are a rather long list, but they are all mostly minor and insignificant. Mostly just plot holes/loose ends that never got tied up. It's actually a fairly unique film. It's more serious then a comedy alien movie like Independence Day or Men In Black.
I am very curous to hear other people's opinions on this film.


Active Member
Rise of the Planet or the Apes: 6.5 out of 10. Just not sure where any of the positive hype, and generally overly enthusiastic reviews are coming from. I mean heck, this thing has an 8.0 (out of 10) on IMDB I thought this film was okay at best. Thought Franco coasted acting wise through this, but it wasn't really a strong Franco style roll. Lithogow was pretty awesome. Draco from Hairy Potter is in this. Thought he did great too. Wanted to punch that guy (his role) in the face. The biggest fault of the movie, is that it really could have been epic. But instead we get a completely flat and predictable story and yet another film that crosses itself up trying to walk the drama/action/serious/humor line. The CG was good, I knew going in that Caesar and the other apes were going to be CG the entire time, so I tried looking for poor spot. And didn't really notice any.


Active Member
Friends with Benefits: 6 out of 10. FWB mildly delivered the premise that it's different from the typical romantic comedies it poked fun at in the film. In the end, the guy still chased after the girl, and all was made well by the credits. Even though a lot of this film was Mila Kunis and Justin Timberlake doing the nasty, it seemed a little too slow, dragged unnecessarily to it's completely predictable conclusion. This film earned a 6 because I thought Mila and JT were awesome together. It's a very acceptable date movie.Also a real good one for one-liner. Definitely tried the "that should work line" after that night

The Change Up
6 out of 10. Damn, some times it just nice to go see an R-rated comedy! In these times of political-correctness, a raunchy over the top comedy is just what's in order. And that's why in 2008, The Hangover did so well. However the Change Up isn't the Hangover (or I guess it could be if you didn't like Hangover). The Change Up's best fault is similar to FWB's, it cliche'd itself. It's didn't have to strongly deliver it's message. I will defend the film a bit, it's not all as bad as some of the critics out there blast the film. If you really weren't expecting the basis of the film to be a clone of Freaky Friday, or films before it, you're an idiot. If they hated some of overly crude humor, fine. Except for the opening scene, I thought everything else was fine.


Well-Known Member
have u seen 30min or less? Im curious to see wat u have to say bout that one! I thought it could be a lil more funny but id give it a 7 out of 10 or maybe even a 7.5 out of 10!


Active Member
Not yet. It has the same director from Zombieland, which I really liked. My guess would be that 7out of 10, maybe 7.5 sounds about right. I heard some good things about it. Even though it's only 83mins long, heard the earlier part was a little slow. But it improved towards the end.


have you watched any of these this year releases?
bad teacher
cowboys and aliens
the help
horrible bosses
green lantern
mr poppers penguins
larry crown
diary of a wimpy kid rodrick rules
soul surfer
the godmother
red riding hood
drive angry
the adjustment bureau
I am 4
the eagle
the dilema
green hornet
final destination 5
world of the dead zombie diaries
the devils rock
fly away
the dragon pearl
seconds apart
the speed of thought
season of the witch
those are all of them that i can remember I have watched most of these this year just wandered what you thought?


Well-Known Member
lol....i couldnt name the movies that ive seen this year like that! LOL
I havent heard of some of those though ive seen most of the ones that i have seen playing here!
Out of all those i really enjoyed 1am #4
just my .02


Active Member
Trying to give me a complex, huh??
Kidding........... I've seen several, however they've been DVD/DirecTV orders, so it's not exactly fair as if I saw them in theaters. Some I did see in theaters.
Originally Posted by MichaelTX http:///forum/thread/385383/anyone-watch-any-movies-redux/20#post_3407836
have you watched any of these this year releases?
bad teacher -- meh, Jason Segel delivers most of the funny stuff. Can see growing tired of him quickly like Seth Rogen though...
zookeeper -- no
cowboys and aliens -- Yes, pretty cool. Played pretty true to a western, which sort of give an impression of being a little slow.
the help -- no
horrible bosses -- not a home run or anything, but a little better average, esp. for a pseudo-SNL flick
green lantern -- pretty disappointing. Not as good as I hoped.
mr poppers penguins -- No
larry crown -- Gotta respect Tom Hanks. Story/film is okay, mildly humorous, and slightly inspirational, but sorta wallowed in its own mediocrity
x-men -- Second best Xmen yet. So much awesome large scale action
paul -- Similar to Horrible Bosses. Actually not too bad. Glad I watched it. CG is decent, not Rise of the Planet of Apes good, but nice
priest -- no
diary of a wimpy kid rodrick rules -- no
beastly -- no
soul surfer -- Okay for what it is, a "you go girl" female empowerment film.
the godmother -- no
arthur -- average. Russel Brand is either one of those people you can stand, or you simply can't
hanna -- no
red riding hood -- no
drive angry -- I actually like this film, and in it's Nick Cage cheesetastic glory. I have a hard time not drooling over Amanda Heard.
the adjustment bureau -- Okay, sorta like quality Rolex knock-off with Timex internals... Adjustment Bureau is not quite the Inception ut tries to be.
unknown -- no
I am 4 -- no
the eagle -- no
the dilema -- probably the worst Vaughn movie since National Lampoon's Blackball
rite -- no
green hornet -- Probably the biggest letdown so far. Thought Seth Rogen as a superhero was absolutely awful.
final destination 5 -- not yet
world of the dead zombie diaries -- no
the devils rock -- no
fly away -- no
the dragon pearl -- no
seconds apart -- no
the speed of thought -- no
season of the witch -- no
those are all of them that i can remember I have watched most of these this year just wandered what you thought?


Well-Known Member
looks a lot like dr. doolittle to me....i swear they are running out of new and fresh ideas!
Hey Mike, what did you think about Zookeeper?