Ataching corals


I was just given 8 baby PomPom Xenias. What is best way to attach to LR? They are all less than an inch and a half tall :help: :help:


loosely rubberband them or just wedge them near a rock in a low flow area they will attach very quickly like within a couple days. Some people sew them to a rock with a needle and thread like maybe 2 passes through the stalk and around the rock. I havent had to try that method yet because if I just put something touching it, it attaches no problem. You can find an empty snail shell and stick the stalk in the hole that works too :yes: Carrie


Active Member
Sometimes it will softies are kinda slimy and the glue doesn't always stick well.
If you dry the base of the Pom Pom lightly with a paper towel and do the same to what you are attaching to (out of the water :) ) then apply the super glue gel it will work fine.
PS Pom Poms are slightly more delicate then standard brown Xenia. For fastest recovery try to squeeze as little of the water out of the stalk as possible. If you do manage to collapse the stalk don't worry, just place it in moderate flow for the first day and be will take longer before it looks normal again...1-3 days.