Been a while..:


Hi all!
I've missed you! This past year has been crazy with the baby. I appreciate all the PM's that I have received asking about the baby and how things are going.
We are great! We just do a lot of running around and popping onto SWF hasn't really been a priority; sorry, she's more fun :p
Julianna turned a year old on May 2 and is an absolute terror, a cute terror, but a terror. She started walking at 9.5 months, so we've had our hands full. She loves the fish tanks and we're contemplating setting up a shallow touch tank for her in the near future.
Here's some new pictures:



Lol. Unfortunately, Fb is much easier to pop on and write a quick post on the go, especially from the phone.

mr. limpid

Active Member
She is adorable. Enjoy her now she will grow up to be a teenager. You think she is a terror now just wait.

Thats a keeper.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by BTLDreef http:///t/395639/been-a-while#post_3522760
Lol. Unfortunately, Fb is much easier to pop on and write a quick post on the go, especially from the phone.
I was just thinking of you yesterday...I can't believe it actually been a year, it seems like just a few months ago she was born. What a cutie!



I was just thinking of you yesterday...I can't believe it actually been a year, it seems like just a few months ago she was born. What a cutie! :t^:
It feels like yesterday. Except for when she's screaming at 2am! Then I remember that it has been a while year! Haha


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by BTLDreef http:///t/395639/been-a-while#post_3522781
It feels like yesterday. Except for when she's screaming at 2am! Then I remember that it has been a while year! Haha
OMG!!! Hard to believe it's the same baby, LOL...I'm so happy to just be looking at the pictures. I have 12 grandkids, and another on the way, being a Nana is much, much easier then being a mom.


Well-Known Member
Crying at 2am? My wife and i did the cry it out method. It took 3 days and we started sleeping though thr night. In fact, now my 15month old daughter knows when its bed time and we set her in the crib and she gets comfortable and stays quiet to go to sleep. I tell yah, thats the best thing we ever did.
Cute one yah got there. She is a keeper.


Active Member
Originally Posted by SnakeBlitz33 http:///t/395639/been-a-while#post_3522790
Crying at 2am? My wife and i did the cry it out method. It took 3 days and we started sleeping though thr night. In fact, now my 15month old daughter knows when its bed time and we set her in the crib and she gets comfortable and stays quiet to go to sleep. I tell yah, thats the best thing we ever did.
Cute one yah got there. She is a keeper.
My wife tried that... It's been 10 years and I still wake her up from my crying at 2am.

BTLD.. Cute kid!!! That pic of her being a terror is awesome!!!


Crying out is not a method I agree with, although I know it works for some. Julianna's problem is she has night terrors. We've done the sleep study, been to a neurologist, the whole thing.
She's afraid to go to sleep because of them and often sleeps very lightly as a result. All I can do is comfort her so she knows she's somewhere safe and that Mommy will protect her from the night terrors. They happen at least twice a week and its miserable because there's really nothing you can do, because they're not really awake like how a nightmare will wake you up. Hopefully she grows out of them. My brother had them as a child and grew out of them, so fingers crossed.
For the most part, she's a really good, happy baby. Right now we're starting potty training so we've had lots of toilet paper streamers through the house. She's going to be an ******** decorator! (Yes, I am potty training at 13 months, because she started running into the bathroom, pulling off her clothes and diaper and going on the floor.)


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by BTLDreef http:///t/395639/been-a-while#post_3522795
Crying out is not a method I agree with, although I know it works for some. Julianna's problem is she has night terrors. We've done the sleep study, been to a neurologist, the whole thing.
She's afraid to go to sleep because of them and often sleeps very lightly as a result. All I can do is comfort her so she knows she's somewhere safe and that Mommy will protect her from the night terrors. They happen at least twice a week and its miserable because there's really nothing you can do, because they're not really awake like how a nightmare will wake you up. Hopefully she grows out of them. My brother had them as a child and grew out of them, so fingers crossed.
For the most part, she's a really good, happy baby. Right now we're starting potty training so we've had lots of toilet paper streamers through the house. She's going to be an ******** decorator! (Yes, I am potty training at 13 months, because she started running into the bathroom, pulling off her clothes and diaper and going on the floor.)
Wow...night terrors... I had night terrors as a small child, but not that young. She must be a very smart little one to already not want yuck of a diaper on herself. Certainly sounds like she is ready for potty training to me.
White noise (fan running) helped me sleep, and still does, but now I have the bubble of a fish tank...water is very soothing.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Flower http:///t/395639/been-a-while#post_3522842
Wow...night terrors... I had night terrors as a small child, but not that young. She must be a very smart little one to already not want yuck of a diaper on herself. Certainly sounds like she is ready for potty training to me.
White noise (fan running) helped me sleep, and still does, but now I have the bubble of a fish tank...water is very soothing.
Both of my young daughters needed a white noise machine for their first couple of years. It really helped calm them down during the nighttime hours. We had to buy a new one for our new baby boy who will be here soon because we wore the other one completely out. White noise machines also help a lot if you have a shared wall to the baby's room to help keep other household noises from disturbing their sleep.


We have a white noise machine and a fan that runs in her closet on nights that we need to muffle noise even more (having people over, etc).
Jack, what happened to the old username?

mr llimpid

Originally Posted by BTLDreef http:///t/395639/been-a-while#post_3522865
We have a white noise machine and a fan that runs in her closet on nights that we need to muffle noise even more (having people over, etc).
Jack, what happened to the old username?
My comp. crashed and I don't rember the password. When I hit the send password I never get an email. I have sent a email to the member support at SW to see what up.


it's absolutely fantastic to hear from you!!
You guys had a little one!!!! I'm so happy for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <- yes, that much. ;)
Enjoy every day with your little one and I will keep you guys in my prayer. It's so good to hear from you. Specially with such a great news!