Best food for Damsels?


Whats the best food to feed a damsel. It says they are omniovores, but do they prefer more carnivor based diets over herbivore diets or visa versa. And what brand of food would you recomend?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Patriot54
Whats the best food to feed a damsel. It says they are omniovores, but do they prefer more carnivor based diets over herbivore diets or visa versa. And what brand of food would you recomend?

The more varied the diet the better. Damsels will eat about anything. Are there other fish in with them? Example, Tangs need greens, madrins/blennies need copepods, copperband butterfly's need aptasia ect..
Overall, damsels will eat anything and generally be happy. I try to mix it up. I have no damsels (you may soon learn why) but feed mysis and frozen combo food. Of all the fish out there, damsels are one of the least finicky IMO.


I currently have 3 - 2 together in my 12g and 1 with a black clown in a 14g - oddly those two get along great. Anyway, they really will eat anything, I rotate every day between marine flakes, pellets, formula 1 pellets, mysis shrimp pellet cubes, brine shrimp cubes and blood worms. They even snack on scallops, clams and shrimp when I buy it for my other guys.


Originally Posted by Patriot54
Whats the best food to feed a damsel. It says they are omniovores, but do they prefer more carnivor based diets over herbivore diets or visa versa. And what brand of food would you recomend?
Rat Poison...LOL They are evil. JMO


Active Member
any omivore pellets (formula one and two small pellets) or omnivore frozen (san fransisco bay saltwater multipack stuff). really doesn't matter, back in the day I fed mine nothing but tetra saltwater pellets for years.


pretty much what everybody said. What size tank are these little guys in. If its a small tank it maybe tough to add anybody else once the damsels have settled in. In big tanks they are great(I have a 150g with 2 damsels and 3 clowns.


Active Member
Originally Posted by saltygerman
Rat Poison...LOL They are evil. JMO

When I saw the thread, the first word that came to mind for me was Arsenic. But I would never be quite that mean ......
I know you are new to the obsessin, but if there are no fish yet, I would pick something other than Devil-Fish...............Good Luck.........