Beth help....was told u could identify what is wrong


Staff member
Hard to tell from those pictures, but it look a little like lymphocyctis. Check out the photos of fish with this condition in the Diseased Fish Thread and see what you think.


Active Member
Well I am not sure. I guess it could be. The spots are not on his body just his fins. He has been in hypo since Sunday. How long does it take for the ich to fall off if it were to be ich? I know this fish had these same marks about 1 to 2 weeks ago when i first saw him at the LFS.
If that is what the problem is how do I get it corrected and can you give me any tips on getting him to eat?


Staff member
I would continue the hypo, and optimize this fish's diet with at least 3 meals a day. Start using fresh garlic juice on one meal. Look at the info on garlic in the FAQ Thread.
If it is ich, they will drop off in a few days. Are you using a refractometer for the hyposalinity?


Active Member
refractometer and everyone else on the other thread is saying to raise the salinity and keep his water great. Which it is right now only it is at 1.009. I do water changes every day to make sure his water is perfect. He is in a 10 gallon. Should I move him to a 29? I do have one but wasn't going to use it as it takes up to much space. I thought he would be fine temp. in a 10 gallon.
He won't eat anything. He is active and even rides the waves of the powerhead. Swims constantly and doesn't even try to hide when I go up to the tank....(only sometimes).
I am getting confused now and IDK what to do. I was gonna start to raise the salinity tomorrow.


Active Member
Lion - if you are on I sure would appreciate hearing your thoughts. I really need some help here.


Active Member
Can't tell from the pics. Heres some clues tho. Ich and velvet will almost always appear on all parts of the fish. Lymphocyctis will be along the edges of body parts, generally the fins. Ich looks like little white sugary dots, velvet like powdered sugar coating.. Lymphocyctis looks kinda globular and translucent like partially dried Elmers glue. Although lymphocyctis looks a lot like a recent injury would, fish seldom injure all their fins at once. Personally I would take him back to the LFS and have the head guy look at it. If he confirms lymphocyctis, get your $ back.


Active Member
I can't seem to get a good picture. It is really ticking me off too. I have noticed that on each side fin he has a couple of spots and I think I see one on his body.
I am tempted to put him in a fw dip or try to catch him and see if I can get the spots off.


Staff member
I don't see a reason for discontinuing the hyposalinity. Try offering food with a turkey baster. You may want to try freshly made fish food.
Just don't panic. FW dip is only going to cause stress.


Active Member
Ok Beth....Let me ask u this. How long will it take for the spots to fall off, IF it is ich (I mean usually)? He has been in hypo since Sunday so we are looking at 4 days today.


Staff member
Ich will not detach in hypo. The parasite must progress through its life-cycle. At the point that the parasite is no longer on the fish, the hyposalinity will interrupt the life-cycle of the parasite. The attached phase lasts for approx 1 wk.
There is a full explanation in the FAQ Thread.


Originally Posted by milomlo
He won't eat anything. He is active and even rides the waves of the powerhead. Swims constantly and doesn't even try to hide when I go up to the tank....(only sometimes).
I think I read someware that if they swim against a strong current that there is ammonia buildup on his gills.
This is just a suggestion but maybe you should set up that larger tank for the future when this happens again it will save alot of water changes being cycled allready.
Is there any way you could get some better pics that would help us identify.


Active Member
There is no ammonia in the tank. I do daily water changes and don't mind them at all. Just trying to help my fishy. I tried for like 30 minutes last night to get some good pictures.
Seems when the pix takes the flash makes the dots invisible and if I do it without a flash the fish is to dark and u can't see the dots anyway. If anyone has any tips on how to take the picture please let me know. I would LOVE to be able to get a picture for u all to get a clear look.


Active Member
Well I woke up this morning and his spots are GONE!!! WOOHOO I am so excited. So now is this where I start counting 3 weeks for hypo? Remember he has been in hypo for 6 days today.


Active Member
OK here is an update. Yesterday (Sunday), one of the fishes eyes looks cloudy and kinda puffed. So I added some Melafix. Only problem now is I can't do water changes.
So I bought some AP AmmoLock to help keep the ammonia down. Can I also put the ammonia reducer (granular type like carbon) in the filter? I also found a little pouch of PhosX that I can place in the filter. Will this be ok? Will either the granular ammonia reducer or the PhosX affect the Melafix treatment?