Bicolor angel


Why does this site say that bicolor angels are reef safe? Am I missing something here? I know some are and some arent, that is misleading to say that they are completely reef safe.


New Member
i ve had a bi color for about 3 months and havnt had any issues with my coral or anything. i ve also heard that they may be nibblers and he did the 1st day that i introduce a new coral and then leaves it alone. i guess he s just curious about the new addition. or maybe i just got lucky with him. :happy: if you do plan on getting one, i would suggest to moniter it closely for the first day or two and act accordingly to its behavior. chances are it will just figure out the tank mates and coral and then settle down to a peaceful state of being. and u will have a great looking dwarf angel to list in your reef. good luck. :)