blue linkia starfish


I have a 6in blue starfish that broke about 1/2 in off one of his arms. Now the fish in the tank are eating the broken off piece. What should I do, I dont want this expensive starfish to die. Please help!!


All the linkia's I have and had have in the past . They all have droped an arm or lost an arm to a pump etc and they will grow back in good water conditions. I had a orange linkia that split in half and after a 3 months the one starfish had became two ,they will regenerate there arms and also spilt and form two serapt star fish.


Originally Posted by Damon123
I have a 6in blue starfish that broke about 1/2 in off one of his arms. Now the fish in the tank are eating the broken off piece. What should I do, I dont want this expensive starfish to die. Please help!!
How long have you had this star? They will regenerate, but let's see why the arm broke off.


Active Member
Most times they will regenerate in good water conditions and a stress-free environment. I assume that the star is in an aggressive tank, since this is in the aggressive forum. If that is the case, it probably will be picked to death by the aggressive fish.
What are the fish in the tank?


Ihave a 125gal with a porcupine puffer and a huma huma trigger, blue hippo tang, yellow tang, an orange toadfishand a valentine puffer. Should I maybe quarintine him tell he regenerates it or what?


Active Member
I would strongly recommend that you find the star a new home immediately. The fish (2 puffers and trigger) are tearing that starfish apart.