brown film algae growing on makeup water container


I have a 55 gal rubber maid container that gets filled with fresh RO water waiting for when I need it. When I'm ready to perform a water change I add the appropriate salt and turn on the heater and powerhaed. The problem is that I have a dark brown film growing on the sides of the container and on the heater and cords etc. Does this algae compromise my water quality? It's a hassel to clean the container but I'd hate to investing time and money in water changes when the quality of that water is subpar.


Active Member
1. no, algae won't hurt anything, however, you don't want to be adding it with waterchanges, you want to be removing it.
2. put a lid on it and don't allow any light in. that will solve any algae issue.
3. are you sure it's algae? i used to use reef crystals and would get a brown scum layer all over everything when i mixed new water. i changed to oceanic and have not seen it since.


Active Member
Keep the powerhead on 24/7 to make sure the water stays in motion. We have no algae problem in our containers and have a ph and heater in both.


Interesting because I keep a lid on it, keep a maxijet flowing in it, but I use Instant ocean reef crystals.
The only reason why I asked is because over the last few months the algae has naturally built up a little and I have been stuggling to get my ORP above 350 in my display. I use the ORP monitor without an Ozone generator so that I can keep an eye on things that otherwise would be difficult to notice. I was wondering if maybe the makeup water has been compromised to a certain point which made it difficult to get my ORP as high as it once was.

aztec reef

Active Member
This is due to precipitation.
The longer the water sits in container the more algea u would see.
*Keep ph's clean of detrius,precipitates.
*dont aerate saltwater over 48hrs.
*keep mixing container clean.
*keep mixing container
away from lights/sunlight.
*if u can get away with it ,avoid using a heater.
*dont scrub, or try to clean container, when Saltmix. Is aerating. (In other words, let diatom adhere to container surfaces. Without disturbing it..


Active Member
I thought you should leave a powerhead in the salt mix container.
Why do you say not to?


Active Member
i still say it isn't algae at all. especially if you have no light getting in it. i believe it's impurities in the instant ocean salt mix. i've had it with both instant ocean and reef crystals. no more since i went to oceanic.

aztec reef

Active Member
its not really "true" algea, its diatoms... aka the processors of algeas.
Diatoms are mostly unicellular>. that said , diatoms will eventually turn multicellular thus it can generate about 500 species and generas of algeas..


Active Member
aztec- when i used to mix large amounts of instant ocean products, i would immediately get a brown film on the surface, which would eventually settle on the sides and bottom of the container. it was definitely not diatoms.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Mr_X
i still say it isn't algae at all.
I agree (with you for a change lol). I've had this same brown residue form with seachem salt as well. I am 100% positive this is not diatoms or algae (would be virtually impossible as my mixing bin is kept in complete darkness and I never expose it to aqaurium water using seperate buckets to fill and remove tank water but most of all once I switched back to red sea its gone). This brown crap is the ONLY reason I stopped using seachem and went back to red sea.


Active Member
Don't you also get a brown "scum" like matter when, and I forget which, either your RO or DI filter needs to be changed. I think I heard one of them can leech the media into the water.


I am also using Instant Ocean and mixing it with RO water in a 30g container. The power head is always on but with a close lid. The heater in not on. I will only turn on the heater to equalize it to my main tank when it is time to do water replacement. So far, I am not getting any brown film as stated by the OP.