brown gook


Active Member
Is your tank new? If so this is normal and happens to all new tanks. Its called diatoms and you get it when your cycle is finished, and yes it does come very fast but it will go away soon or your cleanup crew (if you have one) will take care of it.


yes it is new living rock living sand 1 peice of coral what do you sugest we have a 55 gallon we lost one fish we still have one blue star 2 feather dusters 2 flower anemone 1 white anemone 1 clown


Active Member
How new is your tank, like a few months old or what? Anyway to get rid if the algea you need a good cleanup crew. I would reccommend 25 hermit crabs, 30 snails, cleaner shrimp and/or peppermint shrimp just something like that.


the tank is 4 weeks old we cheated a little by changing out a new bo-wheel with a seasoned one from a salt water fish store they told us on sunday we where way ahead of where we should be


Active Member
What are your water parameters? This could of been the reason for the death of your fish. Also to have anemones in a 4 week old tank is not such a good idea, they need to be in established tanks like 5 months old with perfect water conditions. Just my opinion.


the water, nitrates are zero ph is 8.2 the store we go to is all sw, they have tested our water every week and then we test midle of the we you can also e-mail us at


thanks for your help carrie 1429 i will check this in the morning it is 3:45 here and i have to be at work in 3 hours


brown gook is being munched away by clesn up crew but i did loose my blue star my water is a little low on calc.but we are bringing it up slow carrie thanks for the shoping list it was a big help


Active Member
The blue stars are a little hard to keep alive but another really good star that loves to eat the ditaoms is the chocolate chip starfish. I have three of them and luv em. They can't be kept with other stars or any corals because they eat them, and some people say they eat their snails, but I've had my three for almost 6 moths and they never bother anythihg. I really recommend getting this star for algea clean up. ;)