bubble coral acting wierd?



nothing. - just wait.
We've covered all the bases, it could have just been a fluke occurance - maybe you sprayed some wood cleaner near the tank, maybe a fish was bothering it.... who knows...
One last thought - did you have any other LPS corals in the tank that died? Namely elegance? Really a longshot here.....



Originally posted by julie
what is microvert?
I did do a water change last week-end and I'm always running carbon.

How often do you change.... It might be that its leeching back into the tank anything it has removed... Usually a reg grade carbon shouldnt be used more then 3 days in a row.. ( Im gunna get shot ) I dont even run Kent or Diamond for longer then that


No, I haven't had anything die. The only change I made, was there used to be a sun coral about a 1/2 foot away from the bubble coral and I moved it to the other side of the tank where there wasn't as much light and I could reach it better. I wouldn't think that would cause anything so far away.
On the skeleton there is what seems to be shriveled bubbles hanging from the skeleton, are these died?



Originally posted by julie
On the skeleton there is what seems to be shriveled bubbles hanging from the skeleton, are these died?

if they're still attached, probably not. If you brush them they will be..


well, I just got home from work and the tank is cloudy. What could have caused this? It was fine this morning. If the bubble finally died, would that cause it? Also, there is a hermit crab hanging around the coral.


What about a fresh water dip? Has anyone ever tried that with this kind of problem? I did it with my hammer head coral when it was having problems like that. It seemed to help get rid of the dead tissue. Opinions please. G


There is hermit crab and snail on the bubble coral this morning, are they killing the coral or should I be worried? I noticed last night when a crab was on it, when it got off it opened a little, so I don't know really what to do and be concerned about?


Leave them. My bubble is recovering from a fall when I set up my new tank. It fell right into the glass and 1/2 of it died. Its at about 75% now and I see small snails and hermits eating the algae out of it every night. Unless they are really upsetting your bubble I would leave it alone.


They most likely wont be bothering it. But if its retracted and wont open because a hermit on top then I might kick him off. Has not happened to me yet. Last night I had my Emerald Crab and a snail and a hermit all cleaning my bubble. It did scare me the first time I saw things inside my bubble picking at it though but now I can see that they are actually helping it :)


Active Member
From your picture it looks like you have some green algea or something growing (probably bad monitor on my part here).
If you have no algea then I would just keep the skeleton free and clear of sand and other debris.
I too was worried about using a toothbrush on a coral that is very delicate but I only paid $10 for the coral and I read about hte procedute in Anthony Calfo's book on coral propagation. I used a soft bristle brush that you would normally find avaialble for a toddler or a baby. Then I just slighlty masseged the edges of the healthy tissue - don't brush the whole thing (Not sure if that what Kistheeze was refering to in his - if you brush it then they will die) . I will post a recent picture of the bubble coral as the tissue has almost 100% covered the exposed skeleton.
Also your clean-up crew senses dead and dying tissue - so I would make sure you remove them from your coral to give it a chance to recover. (most of the snails will be going after algea - but the less stress the better)
Good luck