Calcium reactor ?????


How many of you have calcium reactors, if you do, how well do they perform and do you still have to add any suppliments to the tank. If you don't what kind of supp. are you adding at this time to keep calcium, iodine, stronium, magnesium, and such in check. Does a calcium reactor take care of ALL supplimitation ????????
I am planning on either purchashing one tomorrow or not, please help me here.

richard rendos

Active Member
I have a calcium reactor and still add iodine weekly in the form of Lugol's solution. Other than that...nothing. The one I have is really simple to setup and maintain. It is made by a company called Aquatecture in Atlanta, GA. Not sure where you can get one. Local pet shops in Atlanta carry them. There are also very good DIY plans on the internet. I have built a couple myself and sold them locally. Check out this page...
DIY Calcium Reactor
I used this design and modified it a little. (I use quick disconnects and PVC versus flexible tubing and barbed fittings)