Calling all trigger owners/previous owners!


Hello Everyone!
Well still being very new to this hobby and have really found out how addicting it is, I think my main concern in life has gone to fish that I can't even have a conversation with... LOL...
Anyway moving right along, I want to start getting as much information on two particular types of fish because I would like to adventually purchase them buyt just want to be aware of the challenges they possess along with the desired living conditions for them....
First things first can a blue line trigger & clown trigger live happily in the same tank? I know once they are medium to adult size they will require a large tank 120g plus. But as juvenile's 3-4 inches could they live happliy in a 60g for approx. 12 months?
After pondering over and over what type of fish to get I have decided that this is what I want to work towards having, what are some good tankmates for these guys? Just so I can look at what my options are? The ones I am interested in are a Purple Tang, Volitan Lionfish, Green Wolf Eel, Purple Lobster, a Lookdown, and several different Angelfish. Now by all means i have no intention of putting all these fish in one tank I was thinking of maybe one or two after I get the triggers.
Also please any thoughts, advice, knowledge willing to share on these two types of triggers is greatly welcomed!!!!! Thanks so much in advance!!!


Might get more answers in the Aggressive Fish section. I am by no means an expert, but Triggers are definitely not supposed to mix well with Lions. The Clown Trigger could be a big concern in and of itself. From most reports I have read, he should be a species only tank. I know there are exceptions, but the largest majority of reports say that as the Clown gets older it gets much more agressive toward anything in the tank with them.


Active Member
Originally Posted by MilwaukeeM
Hello Everyone!
Well still being very new to this hobby and have really found out how addicting it is, I think my main concern in life has gone to fish that I can't even have a conversation with... LOL...
Anyway moving right along, I want to start getting as much information on two particular types of fish because I would like to adventually purchase them buyt just want to be aware of the challenges they possess along with the desired living conditions for them....
First things first can a blue line trigger & clown trigger live happily in the same tank? I know once they are medium to adult size they will require a large tank 120g plus. But as juvenile's 3-4 inches could they live happliy in a 60g for approx. 12 months?
After pondering over and over what type of fish to get I have decided that this is what I want to work towards having, what are some good tankmates for these guys? Just so I can look at what my options are? The ones I am interested in are a Purple Tang, Volitan Lionfish, Green Wolf Eel, Purple Lobster, a Lookdown, and several different Angelfish. Now by all means i have no intention of putting all these fish in one tank I was thinking of maybe one or two after I get the triggers.
Also please any thoughts, advice, knowledge willing to share on these two types of triggers is greatly welcomed!!!!! Thanks so much in advance!!!
It all depends on each individual fish's personality. Clown Trigger tend to be more aggressive!!! Blue Line Triggers aren't as aggressive. I also have heard that Lions & Triggers don't mix. I think it was something about the trigger biting at the lion's fins, etc. Purple Tang would do fine as well as the other fish you have mentioned. With a 60 gallon tank, your limited to the amount and species you can have. Just remember this will be a species only tank, can not be made into a reef. Another thing you want to get would be a good protein skimmer along with a good filtration system as these fish are huge bio-load makers. :happyfish


Go to the reef site and look at TRIGGERED's threads, I've seen pics of his tank and he has 3 triggers together.
Back in the day I was able to keep a juvi Clown Trigger and a juvi Niger Trigger with a Yellow Tang, Tomatoe Clown and never seen a problem untill the Clown Trigger learned how good shrimp tasted. They are the more aggressive triggers, but as long as they are fed they'll leave other fish alone.


Hey MilwaukeeM, welcome to the site!
I've owned a couple of triggers and currently own a niger. You can't go by how triggers act as juveniles, because that has zero reflection on how they are as adults. Blue lines are one of the MOST aggressive triggers. Right up there with queens and titans. They also get to around 2ft as adults. No 125 sized tank would work. You'd have to get one upwards of 300+. They are beautiful though, I know why you picked this type of trigger.
Clown triggers are just as bad really (and just as nice looking). There is no guarantee that feeding them well will mean they won't kill. Since they mostly do the killing when protecting their territory.
You could house the triggers together but not for life in a 125. Sometimes triggers can be peaceful with lions but most times they will start taking off fins. Lookdowns aren't much better since they have streamers. They also get to about 20" (big fish). The purple lobster will be dinner in no time and a slow bottom dwelling fish like a wolf eel (not really an eel) will also get nipped at.
Your best bet would be to put them in with fish like large angels, other triggers, large aggressive tangs, and puffers. Although I still think your choice of triggers won't work out in the long run since a 125 would cramp either of these triggers when they reach adults.