Can I have a perc and a black perc in my 29gal?


Im starting a new 29 gal and wanted to get 2 percs and thought it would be great if i could get a perc and a black perc in there. has anyone done this? is it worth trying?


I wondered this myself,I guess it would work,but IMO they would turn againts one another because of their coloring,I dk


Good question because this site under black perc they will get along with other clowns...but will the other clown get along with him??

bang guy

Are you talking about an Onyx Percula or a Black Ocellaris?
A Percula can be Paired with an Onyx Percula.
Mixing a Percula with a Black Ocellaris normally doesn't work but has worked occationally.
If you don't mix the Clownfish species and they are not yet mature then they will normally pair up. Maroons are the exception.


Thanks for the imput. I didnt realize the difference until you mentioned it. I will see what I can get my hands on at my LFS. I appreciate all the posts.


Active Member
hey bang if ur still there... or anyone else...
i have one perc right now and was wondering if i could put a black ocellaris in there...
ive had the ocellaris for about a week...???


Active Member
bag that is awesome my two clowns just have straight lines theres arent curved out like the one in the pic ur 2 are really nice!

bang guy

Originally Posted by treybomb
ok well i looked and i want a true black percula with a percula
The clownfish in your picture is an Ocellaris, not a Perc.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bang Guy
The clownfish in your picture is an Ocellaris, not a Perc.
hmmm really? thats what the pic said,....? so would that ocellaris work with a nother orange ocelarris :notsure:

bang guy

Originally Posted by treybomb
hmmm really? thats what the pic said,....? so would that ocellaris work with a nother orange ocelarris :notsure:
Probably, as long as both are not already females.


New Member
Originally Posted by Bang Guy
Probably, as long as both are not already females.
ok but o already have the orange one in my tank for about a week now... would it still be okay.... should i buy the black one small?

bang guy

It's possible that it's female already then so a new large clown would be a disaster. Get one between 3/4" and 1" IMO.