carnation coral, filter feeder???


my carnation is curled up when lights are on, but its fully opened when lights are off... is it a filter feeder or does it not like too much light?


Active Member
I also have one. It needs little or no light. Mine is almost hid under the rocks in the mouth of a little cave. But mine is open most the time during the day. Good luck with yours . The books say to have a good flow for filter feeding too..........Warren


Carnation should be treated like sun corals. They required lots of shade where lights can not get to them. As for being a filter feed, I don't think they are consider to be a filter feeder.
I have seen a lot of beautiful red canation but, these corals just do not do well.


I have had mine for probably 9 months now and it is growing huge twice as big as when i bought it. In a cave with a powerhead behind it blowing right on it. spot feed every other day.